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In the corspe spire V2 is patiently waiting for everyone to return from their investigation. Uzi had found a tag that belonged to Doll, V2 however like most times was uninterested and just wanted the terminal back up and running again. But they still insisted on going. He sits there thinking about his previous high scores on the cybergrind. What has happened up until now and lots of other random stuff to pass the time. Visibly getting more bored as he did. He had never felt such boredrom in a long time. Back in hell he use to kill machines and demons 24/7. But now... all he does is play on the cybergrind and on ocasions kills eldrich monsters every now and then.

He finds one memory in particular weird though. That being the one where he saved Uzi from a knife Doll threw at her head. He didn't find the memory itself weird, instead the idea. Machines being friends? Up until now he had never really thought about it because he was always too focused with killing whatever he could find and refuel. Action was the only thing that could satisfy him, even if he was a machine built for peace. He loved causing chaos wherever he went even without the need for fuel, until that one faithful day when he met his brother back in Limbo, V2 always ignored that memory as it fills him with hatred everytime he is reminded of it. But in the midst of all that he never really thought about what's going on around him. He goes back to his usual day dreamimg afterwards.



Uzi, N, V and V1 arrive at Doll's house. N turns on the lights.

Uzi: Uh-oh...
V: Hehe. Nice.

Corpses, garbage, and insects are scattered all over the place. From the looks of it, it has been this way for a long time. N and Uzi stand there frightened by the sight, V1 doesn't really care and V has an arm in her mouth. Uzi takes the arm out of V's mouth.

Uzi: Ugh, self respect!

They split up to investigate.

Uzi: Why would a worker drone...

Uzi gets oil on her fingers.

Uzi: Was she eating them?

She places the arm into a container holding two more.

N sees two drones with a bedcover on them, he takes it off and uncovers two corpses. They appear to be Doll's parents. N was disturbed by this and tells the others.

N: I think we found her folks...
V: Literally didn't even taste that good.
N: V, you kind of suck.
V: Yeah. I'm not doing okay.

She says before eating a roach.

N turns around to look at Uzi, she pulls her finger out of her mouth after tasting the oil from the container, trying to play it off. N luckily doesn't notice.

However V1 does and Uzi sees the machine staring right at her. Uzi nervously chuckles at the machine hoping he didn't see. V1 didn't have a screen to express emotions like they could, but it was obvious he saw what Uzi did.

Uzi makes her way over to investigate. She checks out a name tag. It says Yeva, Doll's mother.


Suddenly, Doll's parts teleport behind them and she begins to slowly repair herself. After a couple of seconds her body finally rebuilds itself and she takes the knife out of her leg, pointing it at V1.

Doll: Как раз к ужину. ("Just in time for dinner.")

As soon as Doll said that V1 turned around and went straight into action.


Everyone turns around as an explosion is fired....

...Uzi stops the thrown knife with her Absolute Solver while Doll teleported to dodge the flames.

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