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V1 was yet again staring at the sky, noticing how beautiful it was. He had been doing this for hours as he didn't have the function to sleep. He is a machine built for war, sleep was unnecesary to him. All he needed was a source of fuel to survive... though that didn't stop him from thinking about it. He wondered to himself what would it be like to dream? Can robots dream? If yes, what would he dream of?

But he knew those questions of his were never gonna get answered. So what was the point of it...

He just kept waiting for his next mission with the drones. He was alone, his brother was still cybergrinding on the terminal...


He laid down on the snow. Re-adjusting his wings as he did. He didn't know what he was doing... but still tried. He laid there for a solid five minutes looking for some type of answer... but nothing happened to him. He was still the same bloodthirsty machine everyone knows him as.


The sound of snow crunching was heard heading his way. He sat up too see who was approaching him, it was N.

N: quietly Hey V1! What are you doing!

V1 looks at N before pointing at the sky.

N: Oh you're looking at the sky?

V1 nods

N: Neat! Can i watch it with you?

V1 nods again

N: sits next to the war machine The sky sure is beautiful huh!

V1 always thought about how N can show so much emotion despite being a machine. He wondered if N had some sort of advanced AI. N kept staring at the sky, just smilling. Though a noticable bit of sadness could be seen.

N: softly Hey V1... do you think Uzi hates me?

V1 looked at N thinking about it for a moment. Hate. Back in hell that's the only emotion anyone felt towards him. Hate. Gabriel, V2, Minos and probably every other demon and machine back in hell. He stared at N who had a frown on his face, his tail which was moving a few seconds ago had stopped and was just laying on the snow now. Sadness. A emotion V1 has never experienced. Hate... sure. But sadness was something simply not tolarated in hell. Nor was he programmed to feel it. Though he was curious about it, he went back to N's question. V1 recalls what happened at the colony. Uzi's reaction to N who was just trying to comfort Uzi startled her, making her feel fear due to the traumatic event. To the point where she was even about to cry. Fear. A emotion the machine barely ever heard of. While knowing what it is. Not had it ever considered the feeling of it. His entire life was revolved around war and refueling. Nothing else. There was no time to think about anything. Shoot first, ask questions never. Going back to the topic of N's question. Despite all the thinking. V1 just shrugged in response.

N: Yea that was a pretty stupid question... N looks down at the snow he is sitting on

V1 put his hand on N's shoulder reassuring him everything is gonna be alright.

N: Thanks... but i don't think a pat on the back is gonna help me right now... N says softly

V1 not knowing what to do lets the drone be, going back to look at the sky.

N: But i guess there is no reason to worry about it... not like i can just change the past.

N looks at the sky with V1. V1 remembers the question he just asked himself a few minutes ago. He pokes N to tell him something.

N: Hm? What is it?

V1 starts writing letters on the snow with his finger. On the snow he wrote:

"Can you dream?"

N: Can i dream? He looks at V1 who nods in response I mean i think so? Ive had plenty of dreams. I think? But i can't seem to remember most of them after i wake up? But i do remember having a dream about playing with puppies once!

"Interesting" is what V1 thought to himself. It wasn't a genuine answer to his question but still interesting nontheless. Playing with puppies? V1 noticed how the dream correlated with the drones cheerful personality and friendly nature. If that was true would his dream be about killing demons? Still no answer, but he was fascinated at the fact N could possibly dream.

N: Well i hope that answers your question! Im gonna head back inside!

The drone stands up before going back inside of the spire. V1 sits there alone again with his thoughts, questions and no answers.


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