Chapter 2

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"So, I was thinking..." Ben trailed off as his eyes glinted with a mischievousness.

"Oh shit," Dr. Roberts chuckled. "What now?"

"Hey," Ben shot him a glare while Erica chuckled.

"Now now boys," Erica rolled her eyes at her 2 best friends. "What are you thinking of now, Ben?"

"The boys will be coming back soon," Ben whispered looking around.

"Yes and?" Dr. Roberts asked not catching on to what he could be thinking.

"Please tell me you are not thinking what I think you are thinking, Ben Taylor," Erica whispered as her eyes widened. Ben nodded and she scoffed, "And how exactly do you think that is going to work? Have you finally lost your ever-loving mind?"

"Well, now if you think about it..." Dr. Roberts chuckled as it finally dawned on him what Ben was hinting at. "But how do you plan on getting that to work? You know how she is."

"Just hear me out," Ben smirked. "This is what I was thinking..."

The Next Day

"Welcome home Boys," Ben smiled as his two nephews and twelve best friends walked in. Even though only two of the boys were technically his blood the other twelve were pretty much his nephews as well. He considered all of them his boys.

"Thanks, Uncle, it's good to be home," the men smiled as they hugged him.

"I know you are starving, sit while I'll get your food ready for you," Ben smiled as he walked to the back. He made their food and brought it out to them, happy and relieved that they were finally back from being gone for so long.

"So how long do you think we have before we are heading back out?" Luke Taylor asked as he popped a fry in his mouth.

"Not too long," Owen Blackbourne shook his head. "I'm sure the assignments are piling up as we speak." He wiped his black-rimmed glasses with his glasses cloth before sliding them back on. His gray eyes were roaming the diner even though he knew it was safe, it was out of habit.

Ben chuckled as he watched the men. Even though they were gone for the past couple of years they still looked the same to him. Owen Blackbourne always wore either a three-piece or five-piece gray suit and his gray eyes reminded him of steel. If this plan worked though, Owen would need to be making a few changes to his outfits.

Sean Green was Dr. Roberts' little prodigy and an amazing doctor despite his young age. His green eyes shined with mischievousness and his blonde hair went just beneath his ears. He spoke Japanese with Owen.

Then there were the two Taylor brothers, his only blood family he had left. For being brothers they were complete opposites. It was kind of funny since they were technically half and they reminded him of yin and yang. Lucian, or Luke, was the older one and reminded everyone of a trickster model with his shoulder-length blonde hair and brown eyes. He was the prankster of the family and yet he could be as silent as a ninja if they needed him to be. North on the other hand was the dark one of the family. He was always dressed in all back, which fit with his black hair and dark brown eyes. He had a black snake bite lip rings on his bottom lip and his tongue pierced along with some tattoos on his arms. While Luke was an expert in sign language, North spoke Greek and German.

Nathan Griffin was the martial artist expert of the group and it looked like his red hair had grown out a little bit.

Silas Korba was from Greece and North's best friend since they both lived in Greece before coming to America. He resembled North a lot with dark hair and dark eyes but had a much calmer personality than his hot-headed nephew.

Whereas Silas was North's best friend, Gabriel Coleman was Luke's best friend. That man had the mouth of a sailor with his constant cussing but his heart was pure like Luke's. Gabe had bright blue eyes and his hair reminded Ben of Rogue from X-men with the bleach streaks in front and dark hair in the back. Gabe also knew sign language and spoke French as well.

Dakota, or Kota, is Erica's son and the one who handles everyone's finances since he has a passion for numbers. He had green eyes that matched Erica's and dark hair as well. He also had a golden retriever named Max that went with him everywhere.

Victor Morgan was famous for his piano-playing skills and had light brown hair and light brown eyes. He had enough money to last him and the group for multiple generations but never acted like it. He would rather shop at Walmart or Dollar General than where all the stars shopped. He was also a computer expert.

Axel Toma was the leader of the second group before they blended into one large group. He was Native American and his hair fell to his waist. He wore an eagle feather in his hair and loved honoring his heritage any way he could.

Then there were the identical twins, Brandon and Corey Henshaw. Despite being identical they were also different. They both had blonde hair and blue eyes but Corey was the tech expert while Brandon was into mechanics like North. Brandon was also into surfing while Corey was into comics and playing video games.

Marc Weiland had an obsession with coffee and was most known for having heterochromia eyes. One was blue and the other was green. He also had dark hair and even started his own coffee brand since he despised Starbucks so much.

The last one of the group was Yevgeny, or Raven, Ravenstahl. He was Russian and the weapons expert. He had dark hair that sometimes fell into his dark eyes and he was covered in tattoos. Since he was still working on learning English he was sometimes hard to understand. There were rumors that he was part of the KGB but he never confirmed or denied it. He loved telling everyone that he was a professional Russian.

Ben shook his head as he took in the unique group. They were the best of the best when it came to the Academy. He just hoped this plan would work.

He cleared his throat, "I actually already know what your next assignment is..." He rubbed the back of his neck. "It's actually you assessing a former member of the Academy."

The group turned to look at him. "What?" was the only word they could all say in confusion. Never has Uncle been the one to inform them of an assignment before. This piqued their curiosity tenfold. 

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