Chapter 4

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"Alright, so based on what little Uncle told us, there will be no internet," Corey said as he typed away on his laptop. "There will be very poor signal as well."

"Just what the hell are we going to do?" Gabe grumbled as he started folding a shirt he pulled out of the laundry basket.

"Dr. Roberts wants us to assess a former member," Sean said as he picked up a spare stethoscope and placed it in one of his medical bags that were in front of him.

"How can someone be a former member?" Nathan asked. "Academy is family so it's forever."

"That is part of the reason we are going to assess this person, Mr. Griffin," Owen said as he straightened his tie. "There is obviously something else that is going on but Uncle is not at liberty to discuss it with us."

"I'm sorry but how are we supposed to assess a former member?" Luke asked as he plopped down on the couch.

"Not sure about that either," Axel shook his head as he tossed his braid over his shoulder. "I agree with Blackbourne, there is obviously more to this than they are telling us. Uncle has never been one to give us an assignment."

"Dr. Roberts knows something as well," Sean nodded. "He was not surprised when I told him I wouldn't be coming back to the hospital yet. He also didn't try to argue that I needed to be home for a bit before heading back out. I'm telling you, he knows something."

"That is strange," Kota frowned, "he always wants us to stay home for at least a week or two between assignments." He sighed and ran his hand down his face, "I need to let Mom know so she doesn't worry if she can't get ahold of us."

"Alright," Axel nodded.

"Hey Mom," Kota said as he sat his phone on the table in front of him, letting the group know that it was on speaker.

"Hi Kota, how are you?" Erica's voice filled the room. "How is everyone?"

"We're fine," Kota smiled, "actually I was calling to tell you that we got called out again."

"Already?" she asked, "but you just got home. Well, I guess I can't be surprised, you boys are the best there is." A doctor could be heard in the background calling for her, "Sorry Kota I need to go. Just be careful and call me when you can. I love you."

Kota frowned as he hung up the phone before setting it back on the table, "she knows something about this too."

"Just what the hell is going on?" Gabe asked as he folded another shirt. "How the hell am I supposed to make sure everyone is packed correctly if the only fucking thing we know is that we are going to "assess"," he did the air quotes with his fingers, "a former member, which isn't even a fucking thing since Academy is fucking forever."

"Calm down, Man," Luke said as he patted Gabe on the back.

"How the hell am I supposed to calm down Luke if this doesn't make any fucking sense," Gabe glared at him.

"What exactly does not make sense to you, Gabriel?" Gabe quickly turned around to see Uncle casually walking into the living room with a smirk on his face. "Hello Boys."

"Fucking all of it," Gabe glared as he crossed his arms over his chest. "What the fuck is going on, Uncle? You, Doc, and Mama are up to something. What the fuck is it?"

Luke gasped, "Gabe Man!"

Uncle frowned as he pointed a finger at Gabe, "Now listen here Boy, you know that I am just as much bound to rules as you are. Knock off your attitude right now."

Gabe sighed, "sorry Uncle," he pouted, "I just–"

Uncle chuckled, "I know Gabe, your anxiety gets the best of you when you don't know what is happening. That's why I'm here. It's not something that can be documented."

"What are you talking about?" North growled. "Fucking spill already."

Uncle smirked, "Careful Boy," he glared at his nephew, "I can still whoop your ass."

North sighed as he ran his hand down his face, "Sorry Uncle."

Uncle rolled his eyes, "Are you done being brats for the moment?"

"Yes Sir," they mumbled.

"Now," he cleared his throat, "I have some vital information that you need to know before you leave in the morning."

"And it's not something that can be put in our research files?" Kota asked. "Something between you, Dr. Roberts, and Mom?"

"Good to see your observation skills are up to par," Uncle smirked. "Anyway, yes, this is something that we thought should be off the record." He walked over to the rocking chair by the fireplace and sat down. "What exactly have you gathered about this assignment?"

"Just what you have told us," Luke shrugged, "we are going to assess someone who is supposedly a former Academy member."

"Even though that shouldn't be possible since Academy means family and family is forever," Nathan frowned, "so Academy is forever."

"And Doc and Mom know about this mission and aren't worried about us," Kota pointed out.

"That's all true," Uncle nodded, "You will be going to a national park to assess someone who needs to step away for a bit. We need you to check their mentality and you need to keep quiet about it."

"What do you mean be quiet about it?" Sean narrowed his eyes at him.

"He means that this person doesn't know they are about to be evaluated," Owen said as he adjusted his cufflinks. "Am I correct?"

"As usual," Uncle nodded. "See, this person is adamant about being alone but Dr. Roberts, Erica, and I are worried about them being alone for so long and about them wanting to stay away from everyone. If we were to go check on them, they would try to placate us so–"

"You want us to go there," Sean interrupted, "and see what we think of the whole thing."

Uncle smiled, "Exactly.

"And what is to say they won't give us false information as well?" Axel asked.

"Well, that's the thing that is off the record," Uncle smirked, "In order to get this person to agree to you coming out there we had to tell them a different story. So here is your cover." He turned and gave them a serious look, "Something happened during an assignment and you need to lay low for at least a month or two."

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