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When I first saw him, I found it difficult to breath consumed by a feeling.

A feeling so unknown to me that it scared me. 

So I decided to ignore it (and him) and finish with my routine and night in the gentlemen's club.

After a while, I couldn't even see him, unsure if he was real in the first place. 

I got changed, packed my stuff and left with Jake around 2 a.m.

"So your place, right? Claire texted me saying she has her own company," I say whilst holding Jake at the waist.

"Yeah, of course, beautiful," Jake answers whilst holding me close.

We get to his apartment and right when his door closes, we start making out and undressing ourselves.

Jake lifts me up with hands on my butt and he carries me to his room all while non-stop kissing me.

He lays me on the bed and starts kissing my neck, my chest and he slowly makes his way all the way to my jeans that I haven't had the time to get rid of.

He throws them somewhere to the corner of his room and brings his attention back to my lips. He bites my lower lip and then he whispers in my ear: " I want you, love."

I hum and kiss his neck. We lock eyes for a minute and I feel good, but I don't feel love.

"Then have me," I say back with a lustful tone.

Jake continues and gives me a great night to remember.

. . .

In the morning, I naturally wake up at around 8 a.m even though I had a long night. 

Laying on my stomach, I see Jake right away to my left. 

He's still sleeping and to be honest, he is handsome to look at. His brown hair is messy but his muscular body is just barely covered by his grey colored duvet.

I quietly get up, pick up my clothes that is scattered all over the floor and exit his room. I close the door trying to not wake him up.

I get dressed, write a good morning note to him and make my way out of his apartment.

Today is my free day and night so I plan on regrouping at home, getting a shower and eating my breakfast. Then I need to go to the grocery store to pick some food, head to gym and then it's relax time.

However, with nothing much to do, my head starts thinking about last night and especially about that man I saw at my work. 

Who was he? 

Will I see him again?

While thinking about him, I got that feeling of being excited and hopeful to see him which scared me. 

Exceptions equal disappointment and I should know better then to get my hopes up. 

Luck is not something I really got a lot of.

. . .


When I first saw dancing in close to nothing, she caught my eye immediately and for a few minutes I couldn't make myself not to look at her.

Her movements, her eye contact and everything about her was so hypnotizing to me. 

It was as if she needed my attention, as if she couldn't live without it and neither could I.

 I wanted to see more, I needed to spend more time just admiring her beauty.

After a while, I noticed she stopped looking at me and it almost seemed like it was on purpose. 

That's when I cleared my throat and bettered my posture. 

Painfully, I moved my attention back to Matouš and I felt a little uneasy seeing him eye her body with nothing but dirty thoughts in his mind.

I texted Dominik that I can see Matouš and to wait for us outside. 

 Making my way to Matouš, I tapped on his shoulder.

First, he didn't even acknowledge my presence so I decided to stand in front of him.

When I did, he was forced to look at me and when he did, he look terrified. 

He started to stutter and sweat profusely. 

I ignored his tries to excuse his actions.

"Nahoru," I said with a cold tone.


He obliged immediately, I took him by his elbow and escorted him outside. 

We made our way to a dark and calm alley where Nik was already waiting. We saw this place when coming here and it was the perfect spot.

"Já, já- nechtěl. Vrá-vrátim všechno zpátky," He began to apologize again when he saw Dominik outside holding a gun.

(I didn't want to. I'll return everything.)

Meanwhile, me and Nik shared a look and then he pulled the trigger. 

Matouš's body fell down and blood flowed out of his chest. 

Nik shot his heart and he never misses.

"Pojď dáme ho do auta," I say to Nik and we begin our way to our car.

(Come on, let's put him to the trunk.)

We get in the car, start it and head back to the hotel. 

On our way back, we dump the body to the sea.

When we get back to our hotel rooms, that we don't share, I take a cold shower. 

It calms me down and after tonight I need it.

Thinking about what we did - what we had to do, about the dirty work my father has me do. 

And then there's her. 

The memory and minutes-long encounter calms me for some reason.

 It's foolish, it's stupid but it's real.

I need to stop these thoughts because I am to return back home in a week and I will possibly never see her again.

I can't allow myself to be pathetic enough or dumb enough to have feelings for anyone.

Not even her.

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