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A.N.: Friendly warning: This is pure filth without plot. I'm sorry in advance.     
Bye 💀👀🙊

Dating a man like Yuzuru Hanyu was as delightful as it was challenging.

It was filled with challenges and excitement.

Every time you thought he couldn't change things up anymore, the man would come to you with the most outrageous and sometimes very sexy ideas.

Hana had been following him to every show since they started dating and FAOI was always the highlight of the year because it was the time where he was the most relaxed and genuinely happy.

It did help that he was also in Japan, well within her reach, which meant catching up on the time they had been apart.

When the second leg of the tour came, Hana could see his lingering eyes on her before they parted in his dressing room. it was almost as if he wanted to ask her something but was too afraid of her reaction.

It had happened before, of course. As much as he was comfortable to say what he wanted in bed, there was always this occasional flock of embarrassment that hit him every now and then. Usually, when whatever he was about to ask would be scandalous enough to shock a few Japanese elders.

Hana knew the whole routine by now. It started with the looks and then he would slowly start mellowing her into a topic before the big question came. By now she didn't mind the little game they usually played but at the same time, she also wondered how long it would take him to finally ask what he wanted.

3 days.

3 days was how much she endured his looks before snapping at him.

"What is it?"

"What do you mean?"

"I know that look... just ask."

He looked at the ground once, twice, three times before he started messing with the bracelet on his wrist, moving it awkwardly as he thought deeply.


"Yuzu, have I ever denied any of your crazy requests?"

He looked into her eyes and she could see doubt in his face. This was unusual, whatever it was on his brain was probably worse than what she initially thought.

"No. But this is different."

It was a bit tricky to understand exactly what he meant with different. Part of Hana was almost scared about what he had come up with this time but at the same time, after years of dating this man, she placed a big amount of trust in him as well.

She stood up and went to him, her hand caressing his cheek, and focused her eyes on him with a comforting expression.

"Whatever it is, you can tell me."

"This is bad, Hana."

"I don't care. it's been consuming your brain so I want to know."

With a cough and a shrug of his shoulders, Yuzuru finally admitted what had been on his mind.

"I was thinking... And I know it might be too much but... Wecouldbringsomeoneintoourbed."

He rambled it so fast that she barely understood what he said.


Yuzuru seemed to gather all of his courage and eventually said the dreaded words consuming his every thought.

"I said...hum...We could bring someone into our bed."

Hana had to admit she was a bit shocked at first, not really understanding where he was coming from. Did he want to have sex with another girl? Was that why he was suggesting this? Wasn't she enough anymore?

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