The Idol

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Being a famous person isn't all sweet but the truth is that with fame, you can often find other perks.

For Yuzuru, most of the things that came with fame weren't at all convenient but there was this one thing that he often tried to indulge in.

Live music.

He was an audio geek, after all. The mere fascination for the equipment used was enough to make him excited to attend any music event but there was also his love for music and performance.

Given that he was exploring uncharted land in each of his solo shows, watching other artists perform live was now one of his biggest sources of inspiration.

Not that he had that chance as often as he would like because well, with the fame, it made it very hard to attend anything and go unnoticed.

That's exactly why he was so excited when the invitation to be a judge at Kohaku Uta Gassen came.

He had been there a few years prior and to this day, it was still one of his favorite events of the year since it gathered so many artists in the same place.
It allowed for a unique chance to see some of his favorite artists all in the same place without risking a single thing.

Let's just say that it was an invitation that he could never refuse.

Dressed in Hakama, he couldn't care less what others thought, the whole plan was to fully enjoy himself on that night and there was no turning back on that decision.

Truth be told, it was the best thing he could have asked for. Every artist seemed to be on fire and he loved every performance, excitedly watching everyone perform with all their might.

One artist in particular had his wholehearted attention.

Yuzuru wasn't really sure what it was about this singer besides the fact that no one knew her true identity. The woman performed under low lights and more often than not, in costumes that covered both her body and face.

It was a truly smart move, a way to keep her privacy despite the fame. Yuzuru almost envied it.

The woman was more than talented and someone that he had admired for a very long time as an artist and now, watching her live, he seemed to love her style even more.

He would probably say that she was the very best of the night but since his favorite band Back Number was there as well, he was in a tough place.

The woman had such power on stage that he was curious about her methods to overcome all the challenges without showing a single part of her face. It just seemed crazy how she could express emotions without her facial expressions being visible.

The night was incredibly fun for him, vibing with the animated atmosphere and the extremely interesting people that surrounded him. There were no regrets as the countdown for the new year started and all the voting had been done.

So here they were, the 1st of January, the first day of the year. The day when everyone around the world made prospects for the time ahead. The day of the year when everyone thought of what could be improved or changed in their lives.

He was no different, thinking of the new shows ahead, and the plans to be better and better every time. There was something about the date that always made him hopeful and Yuzuru couldn't wait for what was ahead.

When someone came to him looking very serious, Yuzuru was instantly brought out of his hopeful scenarios and dreams.

"Hanyu-san, we have an invitation for you to meet one of the singers of tonight."

Meet? He had met a lot of artists through the years, including his absolute favorite band, so whoever this was interested him a lot.

When he was told that the woman behind the mask, the one that he had been so completely drawn to in the past hour, wanted to meet him, Yuzuru almost squealed with excitement.

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