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In the previous chapter: "Uh, where exactly are we heading?" the mediator asks then they stumble upon a room with 5 doors. The lady opens the first one and there was an office inside it: the furniture was green and shiny, with stars hanging from the ceiling and not a single grain of dust to be seen.

"This must be har office" Spork tough

"Okay, sit" the other one said as she sat down her own office chair, the mediator sat on the other and they began to talk...


"So, I've seen you talking to mediator Jessica before..." The lady began

"Yes, she's my friend after all" Spork said back

"...you also said something about an emergency exit"

"Does that mean anything?"

"Well, not necessarily. But what surprises me is that you actually did dream about it, and you've just been here for a few days" she explained

The mediator didn't anything so she continued

"Do you know the story of the missing mediator?"

Spork replied with a resounding "No"

"Of course you didn't... There was once a mediator in this facility that was just like you"

Spork remembered the moment she first saw her dorm door, it had a spot where a tag had once been.

"He had been a loyal little employee; the only flaw, he was too curious. He had learnt that there was a secret in my phase" the lady continued

"The emergency exit?" Spork though to herself

"One night, he decided to go check it by himself... and he was never seen again from that point" she concluded

"And what does this mean?"

"It means you shouldn't go lurk in places you're not supposed to"

The mediator looked at her with confusion "Am I free to go?"

"Sure, go ahead" the lady said while taking her mask off, starry green eyes staring at Sprok as she made her way out of the room. After that her phone ring "Great" she exclaimed ironically and picked up

"Status" the voice on the other side called, it was Zelnus'

"What is it?"

"I thought the story of the missing mediator was buried by now. Now that you brought it up to her, she's gonna try and do it" he explained

"That's right, but there's something suspicious about that newbie; she said she had a dream about the emergency exit! Don't you worry though, we'll make sure she won't get to that point" Status said to him

"Or maybe we could just wipe her memory"

"No, that may be too dangerous. Let's just see where this goes"

"Alright, but keep an eye on her" Zelnus warned



In the hold section, in a room filled with games two participants were playing chess. One of them knocked the others' king

"Checkmate!" she said

"You did good for someone who has barely played this game before! I'd take off my hat to you if I still had one" said the participant across from her said and clapped his hands

"Hello guys, what are you doing?" greeted Ren who was walking by

"Hi, we were playing chess" the girl said

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