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In the previous chapter: A timer started counting down, ten minutes. Everyone went back to the secret opening in match a lock, but while our mediators were going back to their dorms to relax, some other workers were headed somewhere else, a theatre room, to be exact:

That place wasn't accessible to everyone, only so called upper class, overseers and the trial master himself can go in there.

Majority of the mediators don't know what exactly the theater room was for or why it was such a restricted place...

...but one thing was certain...

Whoever had access wouldn't want to miss out on the show.


In the meantime, outside the facility, two friends were walking towards the entrance.

"So this is where the trials take place?" asked one of them to the other

"I still don't know why you wanted us to go here, Ren" he shrugged

"Chill, Milkshake. I'm just curious, we'll only see what these trials are all about and then leave"

The two entered the building, it was cold and they were met by yet another room, the TV on the wall saying "This way to enroll". There was also another room to their left but it was guarded by guns.

"What are we waiting for?" said Ren in excitement, she went in the enrollment room and Milkshake followed her a second later.

Nothing happened so they were both confused but then the door slammed shut and sleeping gas started filling the room, the friends collapsed almost immediately. When they woke up they were in a dark room

"Where the hell are we?" asked Milkshake scared

"I have no idea-" Ren was interrupted by the TV lighting up and it stated displaying some words:

"Welcome to the trials participants. Your goal is to complete all the phases and get every ring to get your desire..."

Then 5 buttons started lighting up, each shaped in different ways

"...The available desires are: status (green star), love (purple heart), fortune (orange butterfly), wisdom (yellow flower) and wealth (red skull). Chose your desire by pressing the corresponding button".

"Uh, which one do we chose?" "I think we have to chose one each, I'll go with status"

Ren walked forward to the buttons and pushed the farthest left one

"Uh, I don't really need any of these... I guess I'll chose fortune, that's like luck right?" Milkshake stated before pushing the center button.

The text on the TV changed: "Desires chosen. Please wait in the room to get transferred".
The two were silent for a moment, but then sleeping gas was released once again.


Deep down the trials facility, underground, there was actually some sort of other section; the section to hold the participants in. Because not all phases have been made yet, this is where the participants would have waited both for their turn to play and for the other phases to be completed.

This place also had a theatre like room, but it wasn't as fancy as the one above: without chairs or snacks, it just had an huge TV playing the current round. Usually people would sit, and root for their friends as they watched but not everyone was eager to see a literal match to the death.

Some of these participants were hanging out when some mediators came to dispose of the two newcomers. "Hey look, new people!" said one of the players as the two were just thrown in a corner.

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