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In the previous chapter: "But can I ask you why are you awake at this hour?"

Drak answered "We haven't had food in a while, I'm afraid I'll do what I did in the past..."

there was silence in the air, for a while

"Don't worry Drak. I'm sure we'll get something soon" said Viva though she didn't sound so sure

"Hm, well, let's get to bed. We'll be needing energy for tomorrow".

And with that they both went to sleep, hoping that maybe phase 3 was close to releasing.


Another night went by. Spork woke up earlier than usual

"Man" she told herself "This stress is really wearing me down", it was crazy how she has only been here for a few days yet she has seen so much in the facility; it made her anxious, but also... more curious or even intrigued.

Of course she wanted to find her way out of this place, but on the other hand, she wanted to know more... obviously there were more dark secrets to be uncovered and wasn't she in need of the job?

This train of thoughts going around Spork's head wasn't going to stop anytime soon, and the pain became physical too, like an headache or a migraine. She went to the bathroom to see if there were some painkillers she could take but couldn't find any, that's when all the mediators were called out to get breakfast.

Later on, Spork was eating with her mediator friends in the cafeteria

"You look real sad today Spork. Is anything wrong?" asked Bobi

"I've been having this pain coming from my head for a few minutes now"

"Like an headache?" said Jessica

"Kind of, but I don't know if it is because I feel it mostly on my face".

Bobi and Jessica didn't knew what to say so they kept on eating, until Spork accidentally bit her tongue white chewing a bite of her food


"What is it?!" exclaimed the two friends

"I bit my tongue! It's very painful" Spork answered

"Drink some water" suggested Jessica, the blonde drank all the water she had left and it felt better for a few seconds... until she felt something stick inside her throat, she tired to cough it up but the only thing that got out of her mouth was small drops of blood. Once her two friends was it they started to panic

"OH MY GOD! SPORK'S DYING" screamed Jessica

"CALL FOR HELP NOW!" added Bobi

The mediators turned and soon an alarm rang out, it was a matter of time before Spork got carried out by a few upper class to the medical room.


The girl woke up after several hours, she couldn't see clearly with all that light but she soon discovered that she was in a surgical room. She was posing herself many questions:

"Where am I?"

"Am I still in the facility?"

"Am I even alive?"

"ɴᴏ, ʏᴏᴜ'ʀᴇ ɴᴏᴛ!"

Spork jumped, shaking her head, she had just heard a strange voice... but she couldn't make out from where it was coming from

"Who's speaking?!"

"ʜᴇʜᴇʜᴇʜᴇʜᴇ!", Spork noticed how the voice was very loud and how it sounded like it was amplified

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