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In the previous chapter: A while later...

Imagine and Olivia were walking through the lands of the Sanctuary when they saw someone standing in a corner

"Hey there" said Imagine

"Uh?" the person turned around

"I've never seen you before, who are you?", the two got closer

"Me? Oh, you don't need to worry about me" the stranger said

"Wait a second... aren't you Machete from the Elites?" asked Olivia suddenly

"Correct- well, not really. See I got kicked out a long time ago"

"Oh", "We do still need your help thought" Imagine told him


"And why would you even need me?..." Machete asked the duo "...I'm just a simple demon now"

Imagine put a hand on his shoulder and looked at him in the eye, "Just because you got kicked out of the Elites doesn't mean that you can't be an hero"

"An hero?"

"Uh, yeah basically we want you to free a bunch of people from playing games... I think" explained Olivia, Imagine eyed her

"It's... much worse than that; people died from losing those games"

"Well, I need specifics if you want me to free those people" then said Machete

"You are right..." the girl said then paused for a few seconds

"...It all began back when...


It was a normal day like the others, Imagine was walking towards the nursery to begin work. That was until the mailman stopped her in her tracks.

"Good morning miss. The new Roblox News herald just came out! Please take one"

"Uh, alright", Imagine took one newspaper which read ROBLOXIANS DISSAPPEARING? WORKSPACES BEGINNING TO CLOSE. After this, she ran to the nursery only to find it closed

"What?" she gasped, in front of the closed doors there was a sign: CLOSED DUE TO INSUFFICIENT WORKERS.

Imagine didn't knew what to do, she had lost her job in the blink of an eye, but she had a plan; she used her cash to buy a boat trip to Brookhaven and rent an apartment. That's when she met her new roommate, Drak.

She got a job at the daycare a a few weeks later and everything was going fine until one night she heard Drak going out, of course this made her suspicious so she followed him into a forest far far away. He arrived at a facility... not just any facility tho, the trials facility. He went inside and Imagine, who was curious about what all this was about, followed him there.

"Drak!" she then called out

"Imagine? What are you doing here?" Drak replied

"I was checking out that you were doing here"

"Wait, do you know about the trials too?" he asked

"The... trials?"

"See, I was sent an email yesterday saying that if I completed these trials, I would receive my desire"

"Desire? I never knew you had a desire".

Then Drak turned and went inside the enrollment area

"Wait, what are you doing?" asked Imagine

"Sorry, but... it's for the best"

"Do you even know what you are going up against?", the door then closed.

Imagine didn't knew how to feel about that, betrayed? surprised? scared? curious? maybe all of them? In the end she decided she would have to wait, Drak would have probably come back... right?


The days passed, which turned into weeks, which turned into months... Drak was nowhere to be seen. Imagine would hang posters with Drak's face on him all around the town but nobody ever came to her to claim that they had seen him. After a year or so, the girl decided to take this matter into her own hands and went to see what the facility actually hid...


"... and that is how I enrolled in the trials"

"A facility in the middle of the woods you say" said Machete

"And far from Brookhaven too!" added Olivia

"I think if you use Discovery Maps you can find it, probably" Imagine explained "I have to go now. See you soon!"


At daytime...

Drak woke up to see some food on the ground

"Wow, so you actually did it"

"Yes, I did. It was easier than expected" replied Imagine

"Yay! Finally we get some food" exclaimed Melody, all the participants gathered at the center of the room to eat breakfast, there was mealy enough for everyone.

"Imagine", Viva asked ask she got closer to her and whispered "So... about the task?"

"It went good actually. For now we'll have to wait".

In the meantime Lia and Cyg were discussing on how to find the key

"We should ask around, I'm sure someone had seen it begin stolen" suggested Lia

"Nah. The key went missing meanwhile we went to get the water, so it's unlikely anyone was in the area except for the thief" replied the shopkeeper

"Then what are we supposed to do?"

"I have no idea, maybe we could ask a mediator?"

"I don't know if that would work. I think a participant stole it" said Lia

"Exactly! Mediators would find that participant right away"

"Well, we have to wait for one of them to come here tho. And that will surely take a lot. 


Later, inside the facility still, a girl with bright blonde hair entered a dark room, smirking and narrowing her amber eyes before turning on the light switch. The police department and the mayor were tied and on the ground, they all closed their eyes as soon as the lights turned on.

"Look at who we have here" the girl said in a monotonal voice

"Who are you? Why did you capture us?" asked Souls confused and sacred at the same time

"Let us free!!" screamed Rick

"Ha! You can scream all you want. I will not let you go just yet" the stranger told them, her eyes glowing yellow for a second.

She then continued "I'm almost sorry I took you away, but it was for the greater good. You had a lot of knowledge of this place in your hands... I needed to destroy it"

"Is that what you did?" asked Dylan

"Yes..." she replied

"Anyways, my name is Knowledge

and I hope you enjoy participating in The Trials!

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