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In the previous chapter: "1:34... I still have plenty of time" she said and went to open the next box, it had an heart key and luckily for her it opened a chamber.

"3 participants passed" the TV said after Ren went inside

"Not bad!" said Grama

"I told you she'd win, she's too good!" Milkshake admitted

"Two passed, six more to go" remarked Nich while looking at the TV


The next trial was horse race, which Ren succeeded at.

"Wow you did good!" compliment Space

"Thank you!" said Ren "I wonder what our next trial will be"

The purple door opened, and the trial group proceeded. The TV explained the rules of outrun the tiger and then the participants scattered around the maze.

"This one is difficult. I remember when I played phase one I almost died there" said Ari

Milkshake just watched as Ren ran around the maze, at one point she got tagged by the tiger which made her the tiger

"Oh my god" she swore, as she tried to run back to the one who tagged her, then eventually she tagged the guy who spoke to her in match a lock

"NOO!" He screamed, as his timer was getting low

"I'm sorry!" Ren said to him and ran away. It was a matter of time before he was dead

"That was intense..." panted out Ren before proceeding to the next room. The following trial was trigger finger

"...Passing requirements, ride the carousel until someone else is dismissed"

Ren looked down at the tablet, where the green crosshair would appear "I can do it" she though.

"This is taking a while" Milkshake said after a few minutes

"Yeah and the carousel keeps getting faster" said the participant behind him named Blab

"Whoa, I'm I'm getting...dizzy!" Ren said, her head was starting to spin

"Don't give up!" Milkshake exclaimed

Then the carousel stopped, Ren was infront of the shotgun, she saw where the crosshair was but didn't press it fast enough.

"NOOOOOOOOOO!!" Screamed her friend as she got shot in the head, he put his hands on his face

"SHE'S DEAD SHE'S DEAD SHE'S-" "Calm down bro" said Nich while putting his hand on his shoulder

"No, I can't calm down! I got dragged in this crap thinking it would be something fun but instead my friend had died!!" the blonde shouts out

"Maybe if you had chosen love..." Ari said trying to clam him down but he cut her off

"I don't care about the stupid desires, now I just wanna go home!".

Milkshake got up and ran to the starting room, the other participants reached for him as he climbed up the ladder

"Please come down, you'll die if you try to escape!" Zak told him

"I'd rather be dead than alone" he replied

"But you've got us" explained Grama and tried to go up the ladder too

"No Grama, it's too dangerous to go up there" said Nich

"Either way, he's gone rouge... There's no way we can stop him" added Zak

Meanwhile, Milkshake was in the elevator, he pressed the up arrow buttons to make it rise faster. As the mediators were doing their duty an alarm sounded:

"Warning: a participant is trying to escape the facility!..."

"What the...?" questioned Spork, who was in her dorm. She went outside to see upper class mediators with guns rushing somewhere so she decided to follow them. The elevator stopped and Milkshake rushed out, pushing mediators and upper class alike and dodging bullets coming his way. The participant ran all the way to a corridor where Spork was walking down

"Oof... Oof... Help me..." the words barely escaped his mouth, Spork grabbed him and started running

"How can I help you?" she asked

"Take me to the exit"

Spork continued running, she heard footsteps so she turned her head to see another mediator that was chasing her

"Come back here!" he screamed, he was also holding a gun

"Who are you?!" Spork said back

"It doesn't matter, just stop so I won't have to shoot!"

The young woman didn't know what to do, she was running in circles and she knew that she couldn't have up like this for longer so she stopped and put Milkshake down.

"NO! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" the participant shouted

"Good" the other mediator said, walking foreward. He adjusted his hat before speaking again

"This is a shame for you kid. You didn't even get to play phase one"

"I don't care! I saw what you did to my friend... I hope one day someone gets out of here and tells everyone what-"

The mediator shot Milkshake in the head before he could finish his sentence. "Threat cleared" said the speakers and Spork stared at the body in shock, when she got her head up she saw a familiar face, or rather mask

"What have you done?" he asked

"I- I'm sorry trials master! I didn't shoot him- he..." Spork turned back but the mediator was gone

"No, it's not about that. You were helping a participant escape, don't you know how wrong that is?"

"I- He said he needed help! I didn't know what to do!" she stuttered out, Zelnus injected something into her that made her fall unconscious.

The mediator woke up, the room's walls were white and the lights were bright. She blinked for a while then tired to move, only to realise she couldn't

"Where am I now?" she thought, feeling like she was trapped inside a dentist's office. Then from the wall an object descended down, she didn't know what it was though until it started spinning; it was a saw, and a giant one nonetheless.

Spork started to hyperventilate, "This is only the second day on the job, I can't believe I'm dying already! Let me out!!" she turned her head and saw a line up of upper class mediators staring at her, including Zelnus.

"This is useless..." She thought "...I've seen the warning signs, I knew something was wrong, but I didn't even try to escape. Now I'm gonna die of a miserable death, whiteout having a chance to end all this suffering"

The blade got closer and closer, Spork closed her eyes and held her breath until it penetrated into her chest and skull. The staff didn't bat an eye nor say a word, when the execution was over and Spork's body was nothing but a destroyed mess, Zelnus just said "Now, get a mediator to clean all of this... Oh, and call Love too".

Later, that evening, Liz and other mediators were taking dinner to the participants. When they got there, she looked down at the participants who were waiting to be fed; out of all the faces, Drak's felt... different. She went down the stairs to see how he was doing, despite all the others telling her to get back

"Hello" she greeted him

"Uh, hi" "Is there something wrong?"

"Could we talk in private one minute?" Drak replied

Liz nodded and they went into a dorm room.

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