Bad Impression

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I shrug on my jumpsuit and zip it up before lacing up my boots.

"Red and white really are your colors." Reneé rasps in my ear as her arms snake around my waist.

I practically jump out of my skin just before my hands settle against hers. She places a chaste kiss against my cheek. "Fuck you scared the shit out of me baby."

She hums in response. "I'm sorry love, make it out of this alive and I'll definitely make it up to you tonight." Sexual innuendo practically dripping from her lips.

I check the clock. "Shit, I've gotta go." I break myself from her grasp and grab my driving gloves and helmet. I pull on my gloves and slip on my helmet and unknowingly feel something touch it after it's on, but don't think anything of it. "I'll see you soon baby."

Reneé raises her eyebrow and gives me a smirk. "You better bitch. I love you."

I walk out of the bay and towards the pit, greeting my crew before climbing into my car and completing my pre-checks.

Fuck why am I so nervous today? I mean, I know today is a huge race but it's just a race. Nothing I can't handle, plus I'll get some much needed down time after.

I shake off the feeling and reminisce a little bit. Things weren't always life in the fast lane. Hell I wasn't even on speaking terms with Reneé for the longest time.


*Two Years Ago*

"Alexandra Duvall" The interviewer calls my name.

I stand and follow her. "I go by my middle name Quinn."

She nods. "Well Quinn, your driving record came back spotless, and your references had nothing but good things to say about you. So tell me, why do you want to drive for our company?" She asks as we walk towards her office.

"I honestly just don't wanna go to college yet and I've already taken a gap year but... I just enjoy driving." I explain honestly knowing it's a shitty fucking answer.

She hums in response. "And where do you see yourself in a years time?"

"I-... hopefully here, having gained some experience, clientele, and a good reputation." I fidget with the rings on my fingers.

"Do you have any questions for me?" She asks.

"Uh at the moment just, if I get the job what would the schedule and pay look like?" I ask out of curiosity.

"That depends on the client. I will say we have a client coming up that will be on call, but pay is every two weeks. You'll have a base pay plus each call or if the client renegotiates the contract, which does happen." She explains.

She pauses for a moment and then continues. "Look, I'll be honest I'm desperate for someone who will show up on time. Promise me you'll show up on time and the position is yours."

"Yes ma'am." I reassure her and she hands me the keys and a ticket to the dry cleaners.

"I'll text you the details for the client they are very specific. Take the ticket to the shop and they'll provide you with the correct size uniforms." She warns me.

I nod.

I head home in the company issued car and wait for details.

As I'm making dinner, I hear my phone and stop momentarily to check it.

-Client: Reneé Rapp
-Time: 6am-6pm unless client states otherwise or calls. Overtime will be compensated. Gas will be reimbursed, keep receipts.
-Details: You will be given a daily itinerary. Do not deviate, stay on schedule. Client requests you do not speak to her unless spoken to.

Fuck me. I must have gotten the Cruella de Vil of clients. I get a separate text with her address, huh she's not terribly far from me.

I hear the lock on my front door unlock and peek around the corner to see my roommate. "Bitch did you get it?" She shouts through the apartment.

"Yes Wren I did, also how do you feel about chicken Alfredo?" I ask.

"Fuck yes to both of those! I brought wine... in case we needed to cry or celebrate." She pops the cork and takes a swig straight from the bottle.

"Bet, because that's what we're having. Get this my first client starts tomorrow, and she basically wants me to be mute." I explain.

Wren takes another swig of wine before grabbing a couple of plates and setting our tiny ass table for us. "That's too weird, maybe she's just not a morning person. Hah maybe she doesn't want to associate with mere peasants like us." She jokes.

"It's fine, I'm not much on talking to people that aren't you, Jade, or my family anyways." I explain as I turn the stove off and prep the food.

"You still talk to your ex? Dude, why?" Wren gives me a puzzled look.

"Because we're friends... it's not like we're still sleeping together. We just talk. Plus, she's dating some dude from her ECON class." I sigh.

"Ok ok fine, I won't push it. Are you excited for your first day?" She asks as she grabs some pasta.

"Nervous mostly. But my job is to get her from point A to point B in one piece, I don't care about anything else." I explain as I fix my own plate.

I rack my brain on how things are gonna go.

The following morning I show up to Reneé's house early and wait. First appointment is in an hour. I tap my fingers along the edge of the steering wheel, watching the front door.

I sigh and let my head tip back against the head rest. A few moments later, I hear the back door open and close.

"Sleeping on the job already..." Reneé notes as she peers through her rose colored sunglasses.

"No ma'am, just waiting." I explain as I glance in the rear view mirror. Fuck she's hot.

"That wasn't a question."

Definitely, just never speaking around her again.

a/n: so there's this... to be fair I haven't written in awhile and it'll get better. You're welcome.

Backseat Driver / Reneé RappWhere stories live. Discover now