Edge of a Precipice

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"Babyyyyy!" Reneé groans out.

I can't help but chuckle. She's wrapped around me like a pretzel at the moment and has zero intention of letting go.

"My love, you need sleep for a busy day tomorrow and I need to pack." I make an excuse knowing full well I don't need to pack but my girl does need sleep.

I still haven't told her about Wren going off on me or living in my work car. It's fine, everything will be fine. At least that's what o keep telling myself.

"Fiiiine, I guess my super hot girlfriend is right." She submits and slowly untangles herself from me.

I pick her up over my shoulder and carry her giggling ass to her room. I plop her down and give her a quick but passionate filled kiss. "I'll be back in the morning and we can do whatever you'd like after filming, are you sure you don't mind driving me to the airport on Sunday though?" I ask her for the millionth time even though she offered.

"I want to baby." She grins and pulls me in for another kiss. "I'll see you on the morning."

I turn her lights out and leave quietly, driving to a nearby twenty four hour gym, hoping to get a few hours of sleep in the parking lot.


I wake up in a jolt and sigh seeing it's still dark outside. I check my phone. 5:48 am, a solid 5 hours of sleep, nice. I don't have to be at Reneé's until 8 to take her to a photo shoot and then the rest of the day is ours.

I feel uneasy, not about the day ahead, but for what comes after. I'm dreading going home.

I gather up some of my clothes and head to the laundromat conveniently located next to the gym. I toss them in a washer and get that started before going to the gym to shower.

The steaming hot water hits my skin and I relish in the feeling. Oh this is nice.

"Gym water pressure hits different huh." An overly cheery voice graces my ears.

Welp, I'm not as alone as I thought I was in here. "I didn't realize I said that out loud. Sorry." I keep things brief trying to quickly finish up my shower before I have to engage another human person at this ungodly hour.

"It's fine I'm not a functional human until I've had coffee, lucky for you I haven't had a drop, just here for a workout before work." The stranger says as I turn off the water and wrap a towel around my body, stepping out of the shower.

"Nice, I'm just finishing up." I say trying to remain vague, finally getting a good look at the mysterious stranger. Her dark hair and fair complexion are not what I expected that voice to look like.

"Well, have fun with the rest of your day. See you around stranger." She raises her water bottle on the way out of the locker room.

I give her a wave, get changed and toss my hair up in a bun after giving it a quick brush. I'll deal with it later, my laundry is probably ready to get changed over to the dryer.

I get my clothes taken care of and spend my time waiting, watching an episode of YOU. The new season needs to come out already.

A notification interrupts my viewing pleasure, but is quickly forgiven when I see who it's from.

Passenger Princess 👑
-I miss you.-

-good morning my love, I miss you too-

Passenger Princess 👑
-if I Venmo you, can you pick up coffee and breakfast on the way to pick me up?-

-you don't have to send me money for me to get you breakfast lol-
-but yes, I will definitely be picking up coffee and breakfast for you cutie-

Passenger Princess 👑
-can't wait to see you when you get here!!-

She's so cute it's unreal. My timer goes off, letting me know my laundry is done. I grab my laundry, pack it in my bag and peel out of the parking lot to pick up breakfast for my girlfriend. I feel a smile creep its way onto my lips and a new found hope hit me.

I turn on some music and roll the window down feeling the morning breeze on my skin as I drive. I get to call this woman mine and for some unbeknownst reason, she wants me too.

I go to my favorite place for breakfast, and order something I think she might like and a coffee the way she likes it. I do have that part down as many mornings that I've picked her up and she'd recite her order on the way to wherever we were going.

Once I have her precious cargo in hand I head towards her house, singing along to the music playing, tapping my fingers against the steering wheel.

I pull up to see her stunning, as always. She climbs into the suburban, and ignores the coffee, the breakfast, or the fact I had taken a breath to tell her good morning, or that she looked beautiful in person, and takes my face in her hands and kisses me.

Reneé pulls away grinning like an idiot. "Good morning baby." Her voice soft, and serene. I want to live in this moment for a little while longer and not leave tomorrow.

"It's definitely a good morning now. I know how you like your coffee, wasn't sure what you wanted for breakfast though. But this place I go to makes some really fucking good breakfast quesadillas, so I hope you like them." I tell her as I start driving towards the venue for the photo shoot.

"I'm sure they're perfect, thank you baby." Her hand gives my thigh a squeeze, and as soon as the small interaction happens, it's over. I like when Reneé is affectionate, maybe that's something I need to work on myself.

As she munches on her quesadilla, the playlist I have selected changes songs and she turns it up. "No way, you know who Chappell Roan is?"

I give her a look of astonishment. "I don't live under a rock." I chuckle out.

She starts belting along and I can't help but find it adorable.

Soon enough the venue comes into view and it's time for Reneé to work while I wait in the background, which is perfectly fine by me.

I park and half expect to wait in the car until her voice breaks the silence. "You coming?" She asks.

"Oh, I didn't know I could..." I half question.

"You're with me Quinn." She reassures me.

I'm excited to get to see my love work. I follow Reneé inside and she's directed to an interior studio where she'll be working with the photographer.

I take a seat behind the equipment and wait for things to pick up, scrolling through my phone.

"You know when I said 'See you around' I didn't mean stalk me and make it happen." That same cheery voice from this morning cuts through the air.

a/n: I'm sunburnt and cold, send help.

What do we think is gonna happen?? 👀

What is your absolute dream first date, don't you dare say the movies unless you're an introvert and love cliches.

I lub you bubbies 💕

Backseat Driver / Reneé RappWhere stories live. Discover now