My Fault

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I laze around my house, bored out of my mind. The thing is I don't wanna hang out with my usual friends, I kinda wanna see Quinn but I also don't want to infringe on her time with her friend.

Welcome to overthinking.

I look up a few local events happening to see what I can get into today. Art gallery showing? Not really in the mood. Movie night at the theater? Not feeling that either.

Quinn mentioned a race but I don't see anything small listed online. The only thing I see is a national NASCAR event. Wait, does her dad work for them?

-Yo the only race going on is the NASCAR one, how tf are you getting into that??-

Baby Driver
-my dad works for them and is in town for the event...-
-I'm surprised you even care about that-

-are you shitting me?-
-that's cool af-
-can I come?-
-if not no worries-

Baby Driver
-I guess, do you need me to drive you?-

Her apathy makes it seem like she doesn't want me there. Maybe I should just stay home.

-no, but I don't wanna mess with your time with your friend-

Baby Driver
-lol it's fine, she's been chatting up the driver she thinks is hot, so I haven't seen her since she dipped awhile ago-
-just text me when you get here-

I internally shriek and get all giddy. I throw some clothes on and hail a cab towards the track. Jeez, why am I so nervous? I pick at my nails as we near the venue.

-almost there-

Baby Driver
-lemme know what gate you're at-

-gate b-

Baby Driver
-I'll meet you there-

Quinn meets me and carefully places a badge around my neck. "You'll need this. Are you hungry?" She asks.

"Starving actually." I admit. I haven't eaten anything today yet.

"Come on." She grabs my hand and leads me through the venue towards catering services. My heart leaps out of my chest at her touch.

"It's free for staff." She lets go of my hand and grabs a snack for herself.

"But I'm not-" I start but she cuts me off.

"Your badge says otherwise." She points out without looking up at me. The cold shoulder, great.

"Look I can just go back home if you don't want me here..." I snap at her.

"Did I say I wanted you to leave?" She asks, finally looking at me.

"Well no, but..." I can't quite get the words right in my head without sounding like a lovestruck puppy.

"But? Tell me what's on your mind, I can handle whatever you think about me." She pops a grape in her mouth.

"It's nothing." I grab a snack for myself and change the subject. "So, show me around, I wanna meet your dad." I wiggle my eyebrows.

She just laughs at me. "What I'm good with parents." I explain.

"Says you, I'm the type to ruin someone's life and make their parents hate me." She says with a cocky grin and I just chuckle.

"Well you can come ruin my life anytime baby." I say, overtly flirting.

"Mmm I've heard celebrities are overrated." She gives me a wink. Is she... flirting back.

Backseat Driver / Reneé RappWhere stories live. Discover now