Never On Time

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This bitch is fucking late... I can't exactly stay on schedule if her ass is gonna take forever.

Without fail she  half runs to the car with multiple bags in hang, not even close to presentable.

"Eyes on the road, if I catch you looking at me, you're fired at the end of the day." She stares as she climbs into the car.

"Yes ma'am."

"And step on it, I slept through my alarm." She instructs.

I speed off to her first destination of the day focused on the road, hearing a lot of shuffling in the back seat. I want to be nosy and peek, but I also like the paycheck. I grip the steering wheel tighter and push those thoughts aside.

I take a sharp turn and hear stuff tumbling in the back.

"Fuck me! Are you trying to kill me?" She asks and I cringe knowing I fucked up a little bit.

I make eye contact in the rear view mirror and the moment I do I realize I shouldn't have done that either, she's only half dressed and I'm going to be out of a job at the end of the night.

I get ready to pull up to the venue and Reneé speaks. "Take a lap around the block, I'm almost ready."

I do as instructed. Dreading the rest of today, so much for today being better.


I pick up some lunch while I wait, luckily it's just across the street and bonus points for me, Jade agreed to meet me for lunch.

"Hey thanks for meeting me." I give Jade a tight hug.

"Of course, so what's with the fancy get up you're wearing." She notes as we sit down.

"I'm a driver." I state simply.

"Figures, you always did know your way around a car..." her tone full of something I can only describe as resentment mixed with hate sex.

I let out a chuckle. "That's what happens when your dad used to be a mechanic. How's your boy toy?" I quickly change the subject not wanting to talk about myself.

"Not you." She glares at me.

"Come on Jade we've been over this... I just don't wanna do commitment right now. That's why we never made it past my bedroom door most nights." I raise my brow knowing I'm right.

She smirks and playfully rolls her eyes at me. "Sure sure, whatever you say Alexandra."

"Ew, gross. I hate hearing my first name. It usually means someone's mad at me." I admit.

"Noted." I hear Reneé's voice behind me.

I check the time, she's not supposed to be done for another forty minutes. "You're a little earlier than I was anticipating..."

"It's fine." She gives me a fake smile before turning her attention to Jade. "Love the 'fit, mind if I join you two?" She sits without even waiting for Jade to answer her.

"Uh sure." Jade says as she gives me a look.

I shrug my shoulders in response, like I don't know why she wants to sit with us, but here we are... placing my order sitting next to my boss who I had presumed hated me. I still think she does.

"I know Alexandra here drives for work, what do you do baby?" Reneé asks with a sly smile on her face, propping her chin on the palm of her hand.

Jeez she's laying on the flirting thick, with my ex. Perfect.

"Oh I'm in college majoring in business, I bartend on weekends down at VIBE. That's actually how Quinn and I met." She states matter-of-factly, correcting my name to what I preferred to be called.

Reneé looks at me. "You don't like your first name? It's pretty though." She gives me a faint smile, this one, genuine.

"It's fine I guess..." I avoid her gaze not wanting to get into why I really don't like my first name.

She turns and gives Jade her full attention again. "So tell me, what's college like? I never went, it wasn't exactly my thing." She lets out a chuckle.

Without missing a beat Jade answers. "Hell. Absolute hell. Well my sophomore year wasn't too bad, I spent a lot of time with Quinn and her roommate. Until Quinn broke up with me." She baits everyone at the table.

"She didn't! How could she? Oooo so you're single?" She asks followed by a low hum. "You're very cute..."

"No, but I can be in five minutes." Jade fumbles her phone.

I literally can't believe what I'm witnessing right now. "I'm not even hungry anymore, you two have a nice lunch, I'll be in the car." I grab my jacket and head to the car.

I turn on the radio pretty loud and sigh, sinking into my seat as I try to ignore everything around me.

Except I can't when I catch a whiff of food. I turn the music down when I realize Reneé is here.

"I had them box your food to go..." Reneé says, setting the to-go container in the passenger seat.

"Thanks." I reply with a curt tone. "So you and my ex huh?"

I peer in the rearview and see her snacking away at her own food. "Oh that was never going to happen, I might be the type to fuck around and find out, but I don't fuck up other people's relationships."

So she does have a moral compass, it just doesn't point north all the time. Good to know.

I take some time to eat and it's nice just sitting in silence not feeling judged for once.

"Wait, I didn't leave any money for this." I panic before patting my pockets for my wallet.

Reneé just laughs. "It's fine, I took care of it."

"You didn't have to." I protest.

"You're right, I didn't have to."

Once I finish my food, I get ready to take her home. "There isn't anywhere else you need to be today, until this evening correct?"

"Right, it's some end of run cast party."

"Sounds stuck up." I admit, immediately realizing I should have kept that to myself once it came out of my mouth. "Sorry."

She gives me a small smile. "It's fine, there's only a couple people there I actually wanna see anyways."

I see her demeanor change. She seems... sad.

a/n: awwww shit, are we breaking down bb reneé's tough exterior? 👀

I'll be honest I've missed writing. It's been awhile since I've been excited about it. I do have ideas for this, I just hope I don't disappoint you all. I love you bubbies 💕

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