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Still Sodas POV;
There about an hour until me and Dal are going out and right now Johnny is helping me pick an outfit.

Pony walks in the room and Johnny calls out to him.

"Hey baby" Ponyboy just shot him a look and looked up at me worried?

Why would he be worried does he think I care?

"Pony I already know bud" He looks so confused its kinda funny. "I know that you and Johnny are dating... Your friends with Dally right? Like i know you go out with him and Johnny but would you say you two are close?" I need to shut up.

He just nods. "I would say were close.. I mean he helped with me and Johnny getting together and hes cool with it.... Why?"

So he is cool with queers

"Soda here has a little date with Dally tonight" Johnny said with a stupid ass smirk across his face.

"Its not a date.." i spat. I probably sound like a ass.

Now i feel bad great. Johnny has me a ball of clothes and tells me to get changed in the bathroom.

When I get in the bathroom I check out the fit. It's simple a plain white tee and my usual fannle and very worn out jeans.

Would he even think i look nice? I look at myself in the mirror and I look like shit.

I try to grease up my hair and I somewhat look like my normal self. I look fatter but everyone says i lost weight..

I dont see it.

I finish getting ready and truing to look my best before I walk back into mine and Ponys room.

"Do i look ok?" I asked both of them.

"For someone who isnt going on a date you sure put a lot of effort into looking good. Why did you have to get the pretty genes?" Pony said.

Pretty genes? I didn't get the pretty genes compared to Darry I look like a wimp. Compared to pony I look stupid.

"You look good Soda now, me and pony are going as well but we wont be anywhere near you and Dal. After yalls little datey date im gonna need you to tell me everything that happens."

I just kinda nod my head as my way to say yes. We all leave together and start walking towards the drive in and the sun is starting to set.

As we all walk a truck pulls up next to us Johnny freezes thinking its a soc. Its Dal. Wait its Dallas. Already? Im not ready I look bad he probably thinks im ugly.

I hate this.

"Soda come sit up fornt with me. And the other shit fuckers jump in back and hide under a blanket."

His voice is so damb pretty. I get in next to him and Pony and Johnny jump in the back and throw a blanket over themselves.

"You look good Soda" Dally said.

Hearing thoes words come out of his mouth instantly put a smile on my face. I can feel my face turing pink god damn it.

"Thanks, you also look good" I sound so fucking dumb right now.

Like seriously what the fuck 'you also look good' But he didn't seem to care to much.

He let out a soft chuckle and said thanks and he had a big smile on his face.

Was everything Johnny said about Dal thinking im hot true?

Oh my.

This night can go many different ways and im hoping for once things work out in my favor.

That would be great. We made small talk until we got to the drive in.

Dal parked in a good spot and we turned the back of his truck into a bed and he send Pony and Johnny off somewhere.

Everything finally clicks..

Im on a date with Dallas Winston.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19 ⏰

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