Sodas POV:
I'm still at work get to leave in like a hour I swear I just wanna go lay in bed and sleep. The place has been kinda dead all day very few people came in I hate days like this.

It gives me time to think about what failure I am to brothers. Darry mentioned something that me and pony don't need to share a room anymore.

That would be good for ponyboy but i don't know if it's good for me I've gotten so used to it that just having someone there helps me sleep.

What the hell am I thinking it would be a good thing pony would finally be getting better and I'm here thinking of not letting him. God im awful.

Just as I started clearing my mind from it Dally walked in looking hotter than ever it's driving me insane that I can't be with him.

I've liked for like ever now and he still doesn't even notice me. And of course following behind him is Sylvia that fucking broad. She's cheating on him and everyone knows it.

But still if Dally is happy then im happy. At the same time I want to be the one who follows him around I want to be the one who he kisses and holds.

I just want to be his and only his. Ever since sandy left I never truly realized how much I liked Dally. I've always had a crush on him but that was it but now it feels like I need him but I know I can't ever have him.

"Hey pops" Dally said his voice is just perfect god im probably blushing so much right now. "Hey dal what brings you here" "just need smokes...are you okay your face is bright red"

"oh me im fine it's hot in here thats all you want the ones you always get?" "Yes sir" I grabbed a pack of smokes and gave them to him.

"It's on the house" the least I could do was give these to him for free. "Thanks man" Dally took Sylvia's hand and they walked out while she was clingy on to him god damn it.

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