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Adalyn was pacing back and forth extremely upset with Thanos and Ronan.

"Sister I am fine you do not need to worry, I spoke out of term," Gamora said only causing fume inside Adalyn.


"NO!" Gamora shouted out of panic grabbing onto her wrist as she tried to walk away. "Please, you'll get hurt too," she pleaded tears running down her cheeks.

Adalyn sighed heavily before letting out a loud yell as she kicked the closest thing to her against the wall which was a bowl.

Once the anger calmed down Gamora released her as she sighed in relief.

"He's such an asshole he sent me away without you and-"

"Why did he send you away? What was it that he wanted?"

"He wanted information about the soul stone,"

"The Soul Stone? And did you find that information?"

"I did...... But I told him I couldn't find it, there's a price you have to pay and I wasn't going to let Thanos know the price and I can't tell you to keep you safe,"

"I understand sister, thank you for looking out for me all these years," she said going to hug her as she smiled and hugged her back.

"Of course Gamora, I love you, we only have each other, I'll do everything in my power to protect you,"

"I love you too older sister," She said hugging her tighter.

"How sweet," A new voice came in as the door opened.

Adalyn had quickly pushed Gamora behind her as she narrowed her eyes at Thanos the mad titan that kidnapped the both of them.

"Why so annoyed Daughter?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Don't you ever call me your daughter," she seethed out narrowing her eyes harder. "You hit my sister while I was away! What kind of a father are you to put your hands on an innocent Girl?!"

"You think Gamora is so innocent? You had no idea what she told me she spoke out of line and I had to put her in her place,"

"That doesn't make it okay! I bet you only made me leave just so you can take advantage of her!"

"Your pushing it Adalyn, but since your my favorite Daughter I'm giving you a warning to back down, Gamora was telling me how I will never succeed my destiny and for that she earned a slap to the face, I've ignored my destiny once and I will not allow it to happen again, I shall leave you both in your room and when you've calmed down come to my chambers I have a mission and need each of my daughters to attend the meetings," he said before walking away closing the door back behind him.

Gamora's Older Sister (Peter Quill)Where stories live. Discover now