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The door to Adalyn and Gamora's cell banged as Gamora flinched. She couldn't sleep as prisoners were gathering around their cell.

"Sleep sister it'll be alright," Adalyn said stroking Gamora's red hair as she was laying on her lap.

"I am honestly frightened, it's hard to lay down when they keep banging on the walls,"

"I understand sister but they would have to stop eventually rest now, I will protect you as I always had,"

"I love you sister,"

"And I love you as well Little one," she said smiling as Gamora closed her eyes.

After awhile Gamora's soft snoring could be heard as Adalyn gently laid her head down so she was off her lap. The prisoners were still around banging on the door.

"No cell's gonna hold you for long princess," a prisoner said as the other one nodded.

"Your dead, your dead," another chanted while laughing.


Adalyn struggled against the prisoners hold.

"LET GO OF ME!" She shouted as the men only laughed at her. "Please! I'm the only family Gamora has left! I can't leave her!"

"Oh boo hoo, she'll get over it eventually, you'll be just a memory to her," he said just as they passed by a prison guard who was looking at them.

Adalyn looked over at him trying to get a silent plead for help.

"Take her down to the showers. It'll be easier to clean up the blood down there," he said causing her eyes to widen.

Meanwhile Peter Quill was awake in his cell as some man has an arm around his waist. He couldn't sleep, thoughts about Adalyn flooded his mind. Where was she? Was she okay? Is she sleeping okay? Or did the prisoners get to her and Gamora?

His thoughts were interrupted when he heard struggling going on outside as shadows passed by his cell door and he could hear Adalyn pleading for them to let her go.

He carefully took the arm off his waist as he stood up.

"Quill, Where are you going?" Rocket whispered after hearing him get up.

"Adalyn is in danger I have to save her," Quill whispers back before leaving the cell.

"Quill! Quill!" Rocket whisper shouted after him as he followed him out.

"Adalyn, consider this a death sentence for your crimes against the galaxy," A prisoner said who was holding a knife to her throat as she was pushed up against the wall.

"Kill me, but spare my sister Gamora," she reasoned looking at him dead in the eyes. "You will kill me but please let my youngest sister live she has so much to live for,"

"Deal," he said getting ready to slash her throat, however a new voice came through making the man shiver to the core at his voice.

"You dare? You know who I am, yes?" The newcomer asked.

He was filled with muscle that much Adalyn could see, he was gray with a hint of blue and green combined with a series of tattoos all over him.

Unaware to Adalyn, Peter and Rocket made it to them as they were in hiding. Peter couldn't help but look concern for Adalyn.

"Your Drax. The destroyer," the prisoner said as the group of them now had their attention on Drax.

"Quill!" Rocket whispers grabbing onto him.

"And you know why they call me this?" He asked stepping closer to them.

"You slayed dozens of Ronan's minions," the prisoner with the knife said while gulping.

"Ronan murdered my wife, Ovette, and my daughter, Camaria. He slaughtered them where they stood. And he laughed!" He shouted his voice echoing.

Peter was intently staring waiting for the right moment to pop up and save her.

"Quill!" Rocket tried again but was only ignored once more.

"Her life is not yours to take. He killed my family. I shall kill one of his in return, and then go for the other one as an even trade,"

"NO!" Adalyn shouted despite having two knives held against her throat. "Leave Gamora alone! I'm the one you want! Kill me not her please! She's my sister!" She shouted desperate to keep her alive.

"Of course, Drax. Here, I..." The prisoner said handing Drax the knife.

Just then Drax had grabbed Adalyn by the throat squeezing it as she had a hard time breathing. He placed the knife right on her throat.

"Your words about your sister means nothing to me, once I'm through she's next," he said squeezing harder as Adalyn's vision was getting blurry.

"Hey! Hey, hey, hey! Hey! Put her down! Put her down now!" Peter yells coming out of his hiding spot.

Drax only squeezed her throat tighter as he turned to look at Peter.

"You know, if killing Ronan is truly your sole purpose, I don't think this is the best way to go about it," he said causing Drax to slowly lose his grip but still held it tight enough.

"Are you not the man this wench attempted to kill?" Drax asked glaring back at her.

"First of all she's not a wench, second of all I mean, she's hardly the first woman to try and do that to me. Look, this is from a smoking-hot Rajak girl. Stabbed me with a fork. Didn't like me skipping out on her at sunrise. I got, right here, a Kree girl tried to rip out my thorax. She caught me with this skinny little A'askavariian who worked in Nova Records. I was trying to get information. You ever see an A'askavariian? They have tentacles, and needles for teeth. If you think I'm seriously interested in that, then... You don't care. But here's the point. She betrayed Ronan along with her sister. He's coming back for them. And when he does, that's when you..." He said making a slice to the throat with his finger.

"Why would I put my finger on his throat?" Drax asked genuinely confused.

"What? No, it's a symbol. This is a symbol for you slicing his throat," Peter said doing it again.

"I would not slice his throat. I would cut his head clean off,"

"It's a general expression for you killing somebody. You've heard of this. You've seen this, right? You know what that is,"

"Yeah, yeah," the prisoner who originally wanted to kill Adalyn said.

"Everyone knows," Peter said however Drax glanced at the prisoner as he changed his mind and shook his head no.

"What I'm saying is, you want to keep her alive. Don't do his work for him," he says as Drax looks back at Adalyn who was struggling to keep her eyes open before letting her go as she dropped to the floor gasping for breath.

That's when Peter went over to her and held her in his arms as she tried to regain her breathing.

"Hey, Hey, shhh.... are you okay?" He asked a worried look on his features.

"You saved me," she coughs out as they locked eyes with each other.

"Did you think I wouldn't?" He asked his gaze softening.


"Because..... Your too pretty, brave, stubborn and fearless to die by the hands of prisoners, plus Gamora needs you," he says causing her to smile.

"I like your knife. I'm keeping it," Drax said before walking away.

"That was my favorite knife," the prisoner whined causing Adalyn to giggle.

Gamora's Older Sister (Peter Quill)Where stories live. Discover now