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"That was a pretty good plan," Peter says as they get out of the watchtower by him kicking the window, the others go grab their personal stuff and Peter looks for his spaceship. "Yeah! There it is. Get my ship. It's the Milano, the orange and blue one over in the corner!" He points out in an excited voice as Adalyn was next to him by the window. 

"Wow," She says amazed. "That's a pretty nice ship," She comments as Peter blushed but cleared his throat. 

"Yeah well you know..... With me being the captain of the ship and all," He says trying to impress her as he leaned against the window with a smile. 

"Well I'm sure since your all by yourself, Star-Lord you'll need a co-Pilot to help you out in the long run," She says looking at Peter up and down as she bit her lip. 

Peter pushed his shoulder away from the window before walking towards her.

"What you trying to say? You know how to uhhh pilot a ship?" He asked as Adalyn moved closer to him unaware bodies were practically inches from each other. 

Anyone around the room could practically smell the sexual tension that is between them. 

"I can do much more than just pilot a ship Mr. Quill," She responded while smirking giving a little wink in between before walking away to gather her things. 

Peter couldn't help but do a silent cheer with a big smile on his face. Her interaction with him just confirmed his thoughts on her liking him. However though he stopped as he saw the daggers Gamora was giving him causing him to clear his throat. 

"They crumpled my pants up into a ball. That's rude! They folded yours!" Rocket suddenly exclaims as Peter suddenly remembers where he was as Peter then gets his personal stuff and looks through it as the orb is seen within his bags. 

"The Orb's there lets go," Gamora said checking next to him before turning away.

"Wait, Wait, Wait," Peter said causing the two sisters to stop as he went through his bag.

"Peter what is it?" Adalyn asked concern on her face. 

"That bastard didn't put it back," He responded to her panic in his voice. 

"Put what back?" She asks tilting her head but Peter gives Adalyn the bag containing the orb. 

"Here. Get them to the ship, I will be right back,"

"No Peter, I'm not leaving you alone," Adalyn shook her head stepping forward. 

"Yeah, and how are you gonna possibly-" Gamora was gonna ask but was cut off when Peter placed both hands on Adalyn's cheeks, making her look up at him. 

"Just keep the Milano close by, please this is really important to me. I will return to you Adalyn, I promise, now go! go!" He shouted letting go of her as Gamora dragged her sister by the hand when Peter ran the other direction. 


"Well, how's he gonna get to us?!" Rocket yelled from inside the ship.

He was sitting in the co-Pilot spot as Gamora sat behind him, Adalyn was pacing back in forth bag clutched in her hands as she bit her thumb nail worry evident on her face. 

"He declined to share that information with us," Gamora responded looking at the rodent. 

"Well, screw this, then! I ain't waiting around for some humie with a death wish. You got the orb, right Adalyn?" Rocket asked as her eyes widened. 

"What? I'm not leaving without Peter!"

"Sister," Gamora said getting up from her seat. 

Adalyn only held the bag closer to her as Gamora placed a hand on her arm. 

"Big sis we have to go, we cant keep waiting on Peter, let me check the bag please,"

"No! We can wait two more minutes for Peter! Please! We can't leave him, Gamora, my dear sister please understand!"

"I'm sorry sister," She said before snatching the bag roughly away from her as Adalyn's eyes widened in shock. 

Her dear sweet little sister just snatched something away from her. Out of all the times, and the things that shes done for her, stole for her, she goes and snatches Peter's things out of her hands. 

She knows she's over reacting, but Adalyn made it pretty clear she wasn't giving the bag away and for Gamora to just do it without consent is shocking to her. Just as Gamora looked through the bag she notices that the orb is missing and looks up at Adalyn. 

"Adalyn, where is the orb?" She asked as she could see a light smile appear on her face. 

"Peter must have taken it because he knew you guys would try and leave without him," she said a smug look on her face as Gamora huffed in annoyance. 

"If we don't leave now, we will be blown to bits!" Rocket yelled out to her. 

"No! We're not leaving without the orb! AND WITHOUT PETER!" Gamora and Adalyn shouted together causing the Raccoon to be frustrated with the two sisters. 

Just then Adalyn noticed Peter flying towards them as she ran to the window a big smile on her face seeing Peter on his mask she waved to him happiness raiding off her energy. 

"Behold," Drax said as him and Adalyn helped him on board the Milano. 

He takes off his mask before looking down at Adalyn as she couldn't help but give him a giant hug. Peter was taken back by it at first, but his gaze softened as he held onto her in return, his head resting ontop of hers. 

"You idiot, you had me worried," She said punching him in the stomach when she released him. 

Peter doubled over in pain as Adalyn walks away angry with her back turned and arms crossed.

"This one shows spirit. He shall make a keen ally in the battle against Ronan.  Companion, what were you retrieving?" Drax who was still next to him asks as Peter  gives him the Walkman before running off after Adalyn. "You're an imbecile," Drax mumbles as Gamora sighs moving to stand by him.

"Apparently a love sick fool as well,"

"I take it from you tone you do not like him?" Drax asked looking over at Gamora. 

"Its not that I dont, I just dont think he's good for Adalyn, I dont want her hurt, she's my older sister, never been in love,"

"I understand Green woman, you worry and care for her, but you can't make her love life decision choices for her, you can only support and be happy for her," He says placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder before walking away.

Gamora's Older Sister (Peter Quill)Where stories live. Discover now