Chapter 4

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Luke's POV

We pulled into Stacy's driveway and she got out, "Aren't you coming babe?" I looked at Lilly then at her, "If its okay with Lilly I was just going to go home so that I can unpack." Stacy looked kind of sad but I didn't care this is alone time with Lilly with no way Stacy can interrupt. "Okay, text me later, love you!" I stared to climb into the jeep, starring at Lilly, "Yep love you!" she smiled and I laughed a little.

We got close to my house and I told her to pull into the abandoned parking place. When she parked she unbuckled and was on me in seconds. "Whoa babe." "Oh shut up." she started making out with me and I grabbed her ass. I made the seat go back and she straddled me, "Can you feel how hard I am right now?" it was hard to say because I barley had any air to breath, "Definitely." she sounded happy I started to take her shirt off, but there was knocking on the window. We both quickly sat up and looked who it was, Kyle. Lilly got back in her seat and my door flew opened.

"You fucker!" He grabbed me and I was on the ground, "And you," he pointed at Lilly, "this is what you broke up with me for, well guess what Lilly, your a fucking whore!" I got up quick and my fist just slid across his face and he landed on the ground. "Don't you dare talk to her like that!" I was on him in seconds, then Lilly came around and started screaming to get off of him, so I did. He slowly got up, "I hope you two fuckers are happy together." and he walked away.

Lilly's POV

"Oh my god are you okay?" I grabbed him and hugged him tightly. "Yea I'm fine, I don't know about him though." We both laughed, "I think I will take you home now." We both got in the car and I took him home.

When I got home I could smell my favorite diner, I put my bags down, "Do I smell tacos!?!?" my mom screeched and ran to the hallway, "Oh honey your home." she came and gave me a big hug. "I missed you too mom." I turned away and put my bags upstairs. Then ran back down and ate three tacos, I was so hungry. My phone started to go off.

Luke- Hey. you home?

Me- yea just got done eating, about to get in the shower. Why?

Luke- Just wanted to make sure Kyle didn't find you.

Me- what why would he?

Luke- because he texted me saying that he was going to get me back. I instantly thought he was going to hurt you.

Me- awe. no he isn't here but thanks for thinking about me.

He didn't respond so I got up and went to take a shower. When I got out I dried off and the door opened, I threw my towel around me, "Hey, mom I'm in here god." it wasn't my mom, it was Kyle, "Thanks Grace I found her!" he shouted to my mom. "What are you doing here?" I started to back up, "Just came to say hi, oh and since you have been going around to every guy I decided to get my share.

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