Chp 6: Lies Behind

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Quietly in the library pavilion sat Lan Sizhui, flipping the pages of a book he found. He usually sits steadily and reads slowly, but right now he seems to be searching for something.

He was intensely staring at the words from every single page. Hoping to find information about the Patriarch of Yilling.

He then let out a sigh of despair as he lay down on the books piled up from behind him.

Lan Sizhui rubbed his eyes in defeat, "This is gonna take forever." he groaned annoyed.

"What are you doing there, Sizhui?" Lan Xichen popped up wearing the brightest smile he was known for. "Agh!" Lan Sizhui shot up causing the books around him to clatter. 

"Sorry, uncle..." Lan Sizhui knelt and started gathering the books that fell.

"What-- no it's okay, what are you looking for?" Lan Xichen crouched down picking up a few books as he asked, he wanted to offer his help since he was accustomed to the library.

"Jiaoshi taught us about the Yilling Laozu today, uncle." Lan Sizhui spoke, leaving Lan Xichen dumbfounded. Shufu taught them about the Yilling Laozu? Ah, Wangji wouldn't like this... Lan Xichen thought averting his gaze.

"Uncle. Do you know him?" Lan Sizhui asked curiously, he was sure Lan Xichen knew him. His uncle knew everything. "Well- I'm not close to him..." Lan Xichen said lowering his voice, avoiding looking at Lan Sizhui.

Lan Sizhui's face dimmed, completely losing hope. Lan Xichen noticed this and felt guilty, "B-but wait, someone has to know him right?" Lan Sizhui nodded and they both stood up to put the books back on the shelf.


Lan Sizhui mixed his porridge, "Dad, do you know the Patriarch of Yilling?" he asked.

Lan Xichen froze, this child...he truly doesn't have fear. He smiled wildly and took a glance at his brother whose eyes instantly widened at the question. 

Lan Xichen watched as Lan Wangji's face darkened. Lan Xichen placed his pointer finger on his mouth which was still holding a big smile, implying not to speak. 

He knew how strict his brother was when it came to proper etiquette. But that thought was cut off by Lan Wangji actually answering. "Yes." Lan Xichen's eyes expanded.

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