Chapter 3: A jumble of hair, leathers and linen

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Chronological markers: this scene fits like a deleted scene from season 2 episode 1, following the previous chapter.


January 09, 1961 - 10:24 am


Boy, is it my head, pounding like that again? I slept soundly last night, with no nightmares. I think my body is gradually recovering. That my wound will leave an ugly scar for not having been stitched up, but won't get any worse. I thought I'd got rid of the headache, but it looks like...


I sigh, and my hand searches painfully for my aspirin box, somewhere on the coffee table. I slept on the couch. Now that I know Wayne occupies the bedroom, I don't feel much like sleeping there anymore.

*BAM BAM...*

I'm hungry. So hungry... I wonder how I managed to sleep in this state. Honestly, I don't know what I'm going to do, as I'm out of money. Apart from dumpster diving or stealing, I don't see any options. Really, I swore I wouldn't do this anymore... and I've already stolen the Ouija. But suddenly I realize it's not my head knocking like that, but someone out there, beyond the wooden planks. Someone who...

" All right! All right I..."
"RIN, are you walled up alive in there, or something?"
My eyes widen, for I realize that's not a grouchy neighbor, banging out there.
"Oh God."

*Crack !*

In less than half a second, I'm outside, standing on the wet sidewalk. I turn around. And I see him, in a long, light-gray suede coat with fluffy bangs.

"Klaus, holy shit."
"Great googily moogily, Rin!"

We both laugh loudly, probably attracting more attention than we should. I know, I swear a lot, but that's always what pops out in moments like this. Because my joy is boundless right now. And I can't believe my senses, as we merge into an inextricable mess of hair, beard (beard?) and motley clothes. Maybe I'm shaking a little, but so is he actually, and he could choke me if he keeps squeezing me like that. I pull myself free, with as much desire to laugh as to cry, I run my hand across my forehead, because I can hardly believe what I'm seeing.

"What the hell..."

If I didn't know him by heart, maybe I wouldn't have recognized him. But I don't have much time to process: through the lace curtains of her window, the next-door neighbor is staring at us with an unfriendly look on her face. Without missing a beat, I grab Klaus's arm again and squint. *Crack!* I teleport us inside Wayne's living room, where he chuckles happily:

"Ooooh, I've missed this little ride so much".

A second passes, maybe two, where we stand there stupidly wondering if we're dreaming, then we embrace again, this time without effusion, somewhat in shock, while I realize I can easily circle him with my arms.

"I thought...", I stammer.
As my legs give way beneath me, I let go of him and fall to sit on the musty sofa.
"I really thought I wouldn't see you again this time. God, I HATE TIME TRAVEL, it's such a FUCKING NONSENSE."

He remains standing over me, his swamp-green gaze euphoric and wet as I swear again, and he agrees, his expression indescribable:

"Those damn vortexes really are the assholes of the universe".

I laugh, because I thought I'd never hear his silly but always relevant comparisons again. But he sighs as he sits down too, in the dim light of the wood-blocked window.

"I thought I'd lost you too, just like I've lost..."
Suddenly, his urge to laugh seems to fade away.
"Except me," speaks another voice.

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