Prologue: Rays of Life

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The day went by in a flash, yet dragged on at the same time. Cries echoed through the hallways, giving chills to everyone in the hospital. As far as anyone was aware, this was the first time an Esper had gotten pregnant AND gave birth naturally.

These children, twins, were named Ace and Amon. One had eyes like his father, the other like his mother, but they both had curious and big eyes nonetheless.

They were off limits to almost everybody. The Esper Union was very protective of the twins, for if the public caught wind of this, dire consequences would come.

Especially if the Shadow Degree found out. Tang Xuan couldn't imagine what they'd do to the tiny babies in his arms, so he instead turned his attention to Yuuhime.

"Are you feeling ok?" He asked.

"Yes," she replied, "I'm just very...sleepy..."

"Then sleep, I'll watch them."

"But I..."

"What? Nervous?"

"No, I want to look at them for longer."

Xuan chuckled and rubbed her head. "You'll have all the time in the world to look at them."

She smiled then closed her eyes. He sat down and rocked the children, softly singing a lullaby.

"You are my sunshine,

"My only sunshine,

"You make me happy,

"When skies are gray,

"You'll never know dear,

"How much I love you,

"Please don't take my sunshine away..."

Soon enough, his eyes were shut, and he was fast asleep. The room was still, the children wiggling and cooing being the only source of sound.

Strangely enough, Yuuhime was strong enough to go home the very next day. Everyone assumed it was because of her Esper powers.

Also the next day, Raven called.

"You know this has serious consequences." Raven said from the other side of the communicator.

"I know." Xuan said quietly.

"I'm not going to demote you, but your pay will be less thanks to this conundrum."

"I understand."

"Your children will have experiments ran on them."

"I'll be the judge of that."

He heard Raven chuckle.

"Good to hear you're still fierce after these years.

"Even if they're anomalies, they're still but babies."

"Exactly my thinking."

"We won't put them in the system, no one outside the Union will know about them."

"Good!" Xuan said loudly.

"I'll let you go, then." Raven said, then hung up. Xuan sighed, rubbing his eyes.

"Sunflower?" Yuuhime asked, tip-toeing over. She hugged his waist, rubbing his arms.

"Sounds like our kids are going to be more of a handful than I thought." He said.

"That's what I expected." She said, yawning. "But we have each other, that's all that matters."

He smiled a little and gave her a small kiss on the forehead.

"Yeah...I guess so."


Nine years later

"Dad! Dad, where are you!" Amon ran through the halls, his long tail swishing back and fourth.

"He went on a mission." His mom, Yuuhime, reminded him.

"Aww..." Anon slumped his shoulders. He hated when his dad, Tang Xuan, left the house for missions. They always took forever!

"He'll be back soon," Ace, his twin brother, said, "He always is!"

Amon sighed dramatically, folding his arms. He always made a fuss about missions, in hopes to get his parents to stay home.

"Your whining isn't working, Am." Ace whispered to him.

"I know!" Amon snapped. "But it's worth it to try."

"Boys," Yuuhime said, "Auntie Li Guang is coming tonight, so be on your best behavior."

"Ok!" The twins said in unison.

"I wonder what adventure she went on this week." Ace said.

"I'm sure it's cooler than your books and TV shows." Amon retorted.


The door opened, and Xuan came in. The twins yelled happily and jumped into his arms.

"Hey, kiddos! How ya been? Haven't been a handful for mom, have you?" He said, ruffing their hair.

"Oh, they've been so naughty." Yuuhime teased, smiling.

"No! No! No!" The twins said, giggling as well.

"Alright, you two, I need to talk to mom." Xuan said, getting up. Amon pouted, but Ace pulled him away into their room.

"It has something to do with work again!" Amon said, pouting.

"So?" Ace said, giving his brother a look. "I hate when they leave as much as you do, going to do dangerous...uh...stuff, but-"

"I know, I know. It's for money, it's for our safety, blah blah blah."


"Shh, I'm listening." Amon snapped and pressed his ear to the door. Ace stuck his tongue out and went to play with his toys.

"But who will watch the kids?" Yuuhime said muffled from the hallway.

"Can't Li Guang?" Xuan asked.

"She's been super busy with bounties. Can no one from the Union watch them?"

"No, the situation has become too large. Everyone has a job that cannot be halted."

"How about Parmi?"

"Great idea, but the Larkspur agency became involved this morning. Besides, you said yourself you don't want to get more people outside the Union to know about the kids."

"You're right..." Yuuhime groaned a little.

"...there's really only one other person I can think of." Xuan said slowly, his tone of voice doubtful.

"Absolutely not. We're not getting him involved. Asura and Leo already know about them, what about them?"

"Yuuhime, they're going to be busy too. You know they'll be."

"But what if they're not?" Her voice sounded desperate, shaking and stuttering.

"Yuuhime, it's been nine years and he hasn't-"

The doorbell rang. Their conversation halted.

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