Chapter 1: Auntie Li Guang

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"Come out, you two." Xuan said, peeking into their room. "Auntie's here."

"Yay! Li Guang!" Amon cheered, rushing out, Ace following.

"There you are!" Li Guang said, rubbing the kids' heads. "How have you kiddos been?"

"Tell us about your adventures!" Amon cheered.

"Be polite, Amon." Yuuhime said, sitting down with Xuan.

"Aw, it's fine!" Li Guang said, sitting down across from Yuuhime. "Kiddo's just excitable."

"How have you been?" Xuan asked.

"Busy, but I've had a good time." She said, smiling.

"Good, good."

"Now, who's ready for a story!" Li Guang asked, rubbing her hands together. 

"Me!" Ace and Amon yelled.

Yuuhime smiled. She remembered the day Li Guang found out about the twins. It was a good thing she found out, too, since she seemed to like them just as much as they did.


Nine years ago

"Yuuhime! Hi!" Li Guang yelled, hugging Yuuhime. Yuuhime hugged back, a big smile on her face.

"Hi, Li Guang!" Yuuhime said excitedly.

"I didn't think I'd see you here. What are you doing at the hospital wing?"

"I'm having some stomach cramps. What are you doing here?"

"Haha, I just need to grab some meds. Hey, let's go in together!"

Yuuhime nodded slightly. Xuan waited by the entrance, looking very nervous. "Stomach pains" was a bit of an understatement. With a bit of suspicion, Yuuhime took a pregnancy test the night before, and lo and behold, it was positive. Freaked out, but also so extraordinary excited, they rushed to the medical wing to get a confirmation. Yuuhime had insisted they not tell anyone the real reason until it was confirmed that the test was correct.

"Prescription for Li Guang?" The red head asked the person at the medicine counter. Yuuhime and Xuan slipped away, stepping into one of the clean and white rooms. Clara welcomed them, becoming Yuuhime to lay on the light blue chair.

"Are you ok with lifting up your shirt?" She asked.

"Yes." Yuuhime said, slipping her shirt just above her stomach. Clara lightly cleaned her stomach, talking her through the procedure.

"I'm going to need to scan around your whole stomach. Normally, the ultrasound we use is less intense, but thanks to the information you've given me, I'll need to use a more intense ultrasound. It won't hurt you, and any potential unborn children in your body, so you don't need to worry."

Yuuhime nodded along, subconsciously grabbing Xuan's fingers and rubbing them.

"Remember, if there is a fetal mass in your body, this may halt your and Tang Xuan's work in the Union," Clara warned her, "unless you wish to get rid of the baby through the options we provide."

"I understand." Yuuhime said. She and Xuan had often talked about what they would do if they did have kids. At first, Xuan didn't like the idea; he worried it would interfere with his work at the Union. She also was against the idea, fearing the Union might look down on them. Pregnancy complications also filled their minds, since both were Espers and they had no idea how pregnancy would affect her.

Over time, though, they warmed up to the idea of children. The first Esper, in 2029, got pregnant. Unfortunately, her child did not make it, but that was only because of her smoking problem, not anything to do with her body itself.

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