Chapter 2: Uncle Yamato

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Nine years ago

The postal van crashed into the ditch, and the man inside of it was unconscious. Yamato felt just horrible for having to do this, but as he dragged the driver to a tree, he felt less horrible and more excited.

He'd figured out that Yuuhime sent out a letter (don't ask how he knew) and he was very curious as to what it was and who it was for.

He popped open the trunk and looked through the letters and found the letter he wanted. It was pink and blue, with "from Yuuhime and Xuan" written on it. He flipped it around and found "to mom and dad" on it.

'Oh?' He peeled the letter open and read it.

'You are invited to our gender reveal party!'

He didn't read the rest because that sentence alone put everything into perspective perfectly.

"I'm an uncle!" He gasped happily, spinning around and running out of the van. The thought gave him butterflies.

The past few years, he'd dedicated himself to enhancing his divine power past what it already was capable of. Many of his subordinates questioned him, but the why wasn't their business.

"Return address...there, aha!" His lips curled into a smile as he fingered the lettering on the envelope. Would they have a surprise.


"Thank you all for coming!" Xuan announced. Their gender reveal party was small, only close friends and any living family (minus their brothers, whom they hadn't seen since the underground miracle incident) were invited.

Xuan held a platter with a cake on it, two baby cake toppers atop it. Cutting the cake would reveal the blue cake inside, to signify the twin's birth genders.

"Hurry up, bro!" Ling urged. Yuuhime held one knife while Xuan held the other, to cut the cake at the same time. The cake easily sliced, and they pulled out the blue inside. The buzz of excitement and congratulations from the guests filled the room, people hugging the couple.

Suddenly, the room quieted down upon the sound of loud clapping coming from the very darkest corner of the otherwise bright and happy room.

Yamato's cruel smile slithered into the group of people, sucking the happy atmosphere out of each person.

"Well, well!" Yamato said loudly, looking down at Yuuhime. "My baby sister is having a baby?"

"What are you doing here." Yuuhime said despite her breath being stolen. Ignoring her, he plucked a piece of icing off the cake and ate it.

"Why two cake toppers? Are you having twins?"

"Leave." Xuan hissed, holding his staff, ready for a conflict.

"Can't I congratulate you two?" He asked, licking another dollop of icing off the cake.

"How do you even know?!" Xuan hissed, Yuuhime and his father holding him back.

"I found this nice little letter," Yamato held up the letter that was originally for Xuan's parents, "it really melted my heart."

Ling suddenly grabbed Yamato and tried dragging him out. Yamato quickly kicked his legs, jumping just out of Ling's reach but just close enough to Yuuhime to grab her. Xuan stepped in front of Yuuhime, ready to beat the ever-loving hell out of him. Instead, though, Yamato licked the cake one last time before jumping to a window, waving.

"Congratulations~" with that, he was gone. The whole room was shocked and shaken, unable to piece together what had happened.

"Party's over." Xuan mumbled, starting to examine every corner of the house for anything Yamato might of left behind.



"I haven't seen you two since you were still in your mama's tummy!" Yamato cooed, waving at the twins.

"Out!" Xuan croaked, forcing Yamato to back up. Li Guang helped, poking at him with her swords. Yamato didn't back down, threatening them with the sound of cracking lighting from his fingertips.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Yuuhime asked, glaring, lip twitching.

"Don't play dumb. The Esper Union has been very preoccupied, and that's just common knowledge at this point." Yamato played with his hair, smiling sweetly. "I know for a fact you need a babysitter."

"W-we have one!"

"Yes? Who, then? Enlighten me."

Yuuhime shook her head, desperately trying to think of another lie. Xuan backed up, looking at Yuuhime with his eyes darting around. They both knew that he wasn't going to leave until a straight answer was given.

"Yuuhime, maybe-" Xuan whispered.

", not after what he did..." She whispered back, trembling.

"It's been almost 11 years, what if-"

"Not enough time..."

"Yuuhime, it's either a week of Yamato watching them...or everyone else's lives..."

" can we trust him to not hurt them?"

"If he's just as obsessed with the idea of a family as he was then, then it won't be hard to."

Yamato made a very obnoxious throat clear.

"Well? What's your consensus?"

Yuuhime couldn't help but let a weak breath out.

"Fine, fine. You'll be their babysitter, but if I found they've been hurt, you'll be roadkill."

Yamato clasped his hands, a big smile on his face.

"Amazing! Perfect!"

Yuuhime put the twins down and looked them dead in the eyes.

"Do you remember where the emergency phone is? Yes? Good, if you need to call me and dad, you can use it. Do not eat anything he makes, you can make something else. Do not-"

"I've gotten better at cooking!" Yamato objected.

"-Do not let anyone you don't know in, even if he says it's ok. It's ok if you don't say please and thank you to him, in fact, don't."

"Yuuhime, we have to go." Xuan said, pulling her up. "You two, do as your mom says."

Yuuhime gave the kids kisses, gave one last glare at Yamato, then left along with Li Guang, who had the same call.

"Ok, boys," Yamato said cheerfully, "what are your names?"

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