podcast ♡ nick grajeda

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"so who would you say is your internet crush?" fannita asked you

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"so who would you say is your internet crush?" fannita asked you. you were sitting in the chair opposite of her on her bottoms up podcast answering questions.

you chuckled slightly. "dang girl, you're gonna put me on the spot like that? let me think." you pursed your lips and tilted your head for a moment before snapping.

"oh i know! i would have to say my crush is probably nick grajeda from the suburbs talks podcast! i saw him at a party one time that we were both at and i wanted to shoot my shot so bad but i was too shy!" you explained giggling.

fannita laughed with you. "oh my gosh, you know he was here a couple weeks ago right?"

you nodded. "yeah i watched his episode as soon as it came out! he was looking too good. i wanted to jump through the screen to be honest," you said unabashedly.

fannita suddenly widened her eyes. "oh my god girl what if he sees this?"

your jaw dropped and you mimicked her shocked facial expression. "cut the cameras!" you two started to giggle uncontrollably before you got calm again.

"no but seriously i actually don't care if he sees this. i just want him to reject me so i can move on with my life. maybe we can become friends! that whole friend group seems so cool."

"i feel like he would like you a lot! i want y'all to meet now." fannita says smiling. you shrugged. "nick if you're watching this video right now," you held up your hand in a shape of a phone next to your ear and mouthed the words "call me". you and fannita giggled some more before she asked you another question.

nick scrolled on his phone on his couch as his best friend, sean, sat next to him doing the same thing. sean came across a video that caused him to chuckle quietly which interested nick. he turned his head towards sean to see what had piqued his interest.

"whatcha watching?" nick asked. sean towards his phone screen towards him and he could see fannita and another girl sitting opposite of her, giggling together.

"oh i know! i would have to say my crush is probably nick grajeda from the suburbs talks podcast! i saw him at a party one time that we were both at and i wanted to shoot my shot so bad but i was too shy!" you explained giggling.

nick and sean watched the entire clip together laughing at your words. "that's wild! i'm gonna text fannita to see if we can get her on suburb talks. what was her name?"

sean recited your name from the caption and nick went to text fannita.

you were sitting at your desk editing a youtube video when you got a call from an unsaved number. you ignored it (because you never answer unsaved numbers) and the person called you again. you continued to ignore their calling before you got a call from fannita, which you answered.

"girl answer the phone! your future husband is trying to call you!" fannita said hurriedly.

"huh? my future husband?" you asked confused. before you could ask more questions she hung up and ten seconds later the mysterious number called again. you answered and heard a male voice.

"hey is this—" before he could even finish reciting your name, you recognized the voice and put the phone on mute to scream.

"oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!" you repeated over and over before turning back to your phone.

"hello? hello can you hear me?"

you picked the phone back up hurriedly and unmuted. "yes, this is her."

"woah, why are you responding like it's a business call?" he laughed.

you cringed at yourself. "sorry i'm nervous i did not think you would be calling me."

"haha it's okay! i saw your podcast episode and you asked me to call you so here i am."

"oh my god i did say that, didn't i?"

"yeah i wanted to see if you wanted to come on the podcast so we could talk more?"

you were on the verge of hyperventilating and took a few deep breaths to center yourself before answering. "yeah of course! i would love to! y'all seem so fun!"

"awesome, i'll text you the details now that i have your number. it's gonna be our valentine episode so make sure to wear red or pink."

you nodded before realizing that he couldn't see you. "of course just let me know! i'm free pretty much anytime!"

"i will! it was nice to talk to you!"

"you as well! bye!" you hung up the phone and sat in silence for about thirty seconds as the gravity of the situation weighed on you.

"oh my god! no way nick grajeda just called me!"

- i'm too lazy to continue so part 2?
- also not me saying i would only write for rancho boyz on request and my first imagine being nick 🤭

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