1am ice cream date ♡ devin paul

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you padded into the kitchen as quietly as you could to not wake your boyfriend devin

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you padded into the kitchen as quietly as you could to not wake your boyfriend devin. you had woken up in the mood for a little midnight snack (even though it was well past midnight) and decided to go searching for one. your tastebuds were screaming for ice cream so that's what you went looking for.

you open the freezer to find the frozen dessert nowhere to be found and you start to grow sad. you were really looking forward to eating ice cream. you quietly close the freezer and make your way back to the room with your sleeping boyfriend. you climb back into bed and settle into the covers and let out a final sigh.

"what's wrong?" your boyfriend asks outloud. the sound of his voice startles you as you swore he was sleeping soundly.

"oh my gosh, you scared me!" you say, clutching your imaginary pearls.

"why'd you sigh so hard just now babe?" you boyfriend asks, slurring slightly.

you sigh again. "it's nothing. i got up to get ice cream but i forgot i haven't bought a new tub yet. it's okay though i'm just gonna go back to sleep."

you halfway expected devin to already be back asleep and not respond but he surprises you again by asking, "what time is it?"

"it's like 12:50. i shouldn't even be up right now but i wanted ice cream. i'm going back to sleep."

you watch as devin slowly rises up from bed and nonchalantly says "put your shoes on,"

you tilt your head and look at him confused, "what are you talking about?"

your boyfriend continues to get up from the bed and makes his way towards the closet. "braums closes at 2, we gotta hurry up."

you make no move to get up. "devin. we are not getting up to go to braums at 1am."

"yes we are! get me like five minutes to wake up and i'll drive,"

you continue to sit in confusion as you watch your boyfriend find and put on a hoodie. "you can't be serious."

"put. your. shoes. on."

you heard the ding from the bell over the door as devin holds it open for you to walk through. you still couldn't believe your boyfriend had actually driven you to braums to get ice cream this late. he follows you inside the building and then grabs your hand, leading you towards the counter.  you look up at the digital clock that reads 1:20. devin notices you looking and smiles.

"we made it just in time." you giggle and roll your eyes playfully. you have made it to the counter that seems to be ran by a tired but welcoming looking girl.

"hi! welcome to braums! what can i get for you?" she asks. before you can even open your mouth, your boyfriend is ordering for you.

"hi can i get a regular chocolate cone and also a regular chocolate chip cookie dough cone?"

"of course! that'll be $4.32,"

devin hands her a five dollar bill and tells her to keep the change. you both watch as she scoops the ice cream into the cones and hands them over individually. you both thank her and make your way out of the shop.

when you make it to the car, your boyfriend opens the door for you and you slide in, making sure not to drop your ice cream. you watch him round the car and get into the drivers seat. he starts to eat his ice cream while you just look at him in admiration. he feels your stare and turns to look at you.

"babe why are you staring at me? eat your ice cream before it melts!" he leans over to kiss your cheek before returning to his dessert.

you shake your head while smiling. "i just think it's insane that you took me here this late," you start to eat your ice cream and hum in approval.

"it's no problemo. gotta get the best boyfriend award somehow,"

you laugh and say, "you definitely have points in my book,"

you pull out your phone to take a selfie with your boyfriend who makes a funny face, causing you to laugh. you put your phone down and return devin's kiss from earlier.

"love you so much,"

- short again sorry guys 😭
- at this point i feel like i write drabbles not imagines
- also how would y'all feel about headcanons because i love the little couple pranks like "not saying i love you" and "calling my boyfriend by his full name" but i would rather do a snippet for each person than a full imagine, thoughts?
- also guys i finally graduated! so more time on my hands until college 😭
- thanks so much for reading! i see yalls requests i promise 🙏 if you have more don't hesitate to send them <3
- if no one has told you today you're appreciated!

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⏰ Last updated: May 31 ⏰

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