pool party ♡ devin paul

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you walked up the sidewalk and into the airbnb that your friend group had rented out

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you walked up the sidewalk and into the airbnb that your friend group had rented out. you were running a little late because your friends had requested that you make your famous spiked punch and you had to stop at the store to get ingredients.

you made your way into the kitchen to find nick and sean setting up the kitchen with snacks and drinks.

"hey y'all!" you greeted them as you set your bags on the counter. nick looked up with a smile and ran to you.

"y/nnn" he yelled and gave you a hug. you always loved that he always seemed excited to see you. sean also rounded the corner to give you a side hug.

you smiled as you fed off their happy energy. "your boyfriend is on his way." nick told you with a smirk.

"bro what are you talking about," you said giggling.

sean laughed at your reaction and explained . "sage and devin said they would be here in like five minutes."

you rolled your eyes and started to unpack your groceries. "y'all need to stop playing. we're just friends. when is everyone getting here?"

"i told everyone we'll be ready at 3 'cause the food is coming at 2." nick replied. you checked your watch and the time read 1:50.

you nodded your head and said, "okay that sounds good. can one of y'all grab the dispenser from my car. it's still unlocked."

sean made a sound of acknowledgment and you saw him leave from your peripheral view. nick continued to move around the kitchen and you grabbed your bag with your swimsuit and coverup.

"i'm gonna go change into my swimsuit before i start. which way is the restroom?" nick pointed his hand and you walked into that direction until you found it.

it took you a couple a minutes to fit into your outfit and make sure it was looking right. while you were in the bathroom, you heard yelling and figure it was devin and sage entering the house. you finished your business and went back to the kitchen.

sage was the first one to notice you from the hallway. "y/n what's up!" he gave you a side hug once you got closer to him and you returned it.

"hey sage!" you said happily. "i'm gonna go set this bag behind the couch, i'll be right back."

you stepped away from him and made your way into the living area. you found devin sitting on the edge of the couch looking at his phone. he lifted up his head when he heard your footsteps.

you shyly waved at him. "hey devin," he waved back and smiled at you.

"you look really pretty" he said, standing up and opening his arms. you wrapped your arms around his neck as his went around your waist.

"thank y-" you started to say before being interrupted by one of your other friends.

"that doesn't look like a just friends hug to me," sean said with a playful tone as he walked in the living room with the mega speaker.

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