just because i love you ♡ sean williams

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you were peacefully watching tv when you heard a couple of knocks on your front door

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you were peacefully watching tv when you heard a couple of knocks on your front door. you paused your tv and checked your phone to see if anyone tried to text or call to tell you they were coming over. finding nothing and the knocks still continuing, you got up and made your way to the door. you looked through the peephole to find your boyfriend sean standing there holding what looked like to be a bouquet of flowers and takeout from your favorite restaurant. you gasped and opened the door.

sean turned his head when he heard the door and smiled as he saw your shocked expression. he handed your flowers to you and you grabbed them gently. you pulled them towards your nose to smell them and instantly fell in love.

"they're perfect!" you said with a small pout as you were trying not to cry. you opened your door to let your boyfriend in as you realized he was still standing awkwardly in the hallway. as you closed the door, sean set the food on the table. you set your flowers down as well and turned to him and found him already looking at you with a smile. you walked towards him and wrapped your arms around neck for a hug, which he returned by wrapping his arms around your lower back. you felt him squeeze you lovingly which caused your heart to swoon even more.

you pulled back from the hug to look in his eyes and he held your gaze. he leaned in to give you a kiss that you returned willingly. you broke away from the kiss and he continued to hold you.

"why'd you bring me flowers and food?" you asked him as you chuckled a little, still in disbelief. he laughed at your facial reaction and responded.

"i hadn't heard from you since this morning and i figured you were having one of your anxious days, so i let you have space for a few hours and then decided to bring you stuff so you could feel better. also just because i love you."

you awed at his response and hid your face in his neck as you hugged him again. you shortly let go and wiped your face from any stray tears that may have fallen.

"you are the best boyfriend ever. like seriously babe thank you. i appreciate this so much. i love you." you two shared another kiss and you pulled him to the table to open up the food.

"oh my— and you got me my favorite! you're not real!" he laughed at your reaction and helped you pull everything out.

"go put your flowers up. i'll set this up in your room. or do you wanna eat in the living room?" sean asked.

"bedroom's fine. i was watching tv in there anyways. feel free to change it."

sean made his way to your room as you picked up the flowers to find a vase and properly save them. after about five minutes of setting up the flowers, you grabbed some drinks out of the fridge and made your way to your room.

you walked in to find that sean had set a blanket over your bed and placed the food on top to prevent a mess. he also had the tv ready to play y'all's comfort show. he looked up and smiled as you walked in. you handed him his drink and pecked his lips as another thank you before rounding the bed to secure your spot. sean pressed play on the movie as you got situated and opened up your food. you took a bite and made a noise of appreciation for the taste and turned to sean again.

"seriously thank you. it's so nice to have someone who takes there time out of their day to appreciate me. i love you so much." he reached over and pecked your cheek.

"you don't have to say thank you. it's my job to love and appreciate you." he smiled and took his phone out to snap a picture of you to save for memories.

"oh look! it's the most beautiful girl in the world." he said as he turned the phone around to show you the picture he just took of you. you laughed and shoved him playfully.

"shut up!"

- hope you enjoyed!
- this is the fastest i have ever written an imagine
- also it's short but i didn't really wanna continue it cause it's short and sweet
- also only three imagines and 1k views is kinda insane
- thanks for all the comments, if you have certain scenarios you'd like to request pls feel free
- if no one has told you today, you are loved and appreciated
semi proofread

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