baseball game ♡ phillyqueso

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you finished your last touches on your face routine as you heard philly picking clothes out in the closet

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you finished your last touches on your face routine as you heard philly picking clothes out in the closet. you had surprised him with tickets to a dodgers game that started in two hours so you two had to leave pretty soon.

"babe can you bring my white tennis shoes when you come out of there?" you yelled to him while taking off your makeup headband. you waited until you heard a sound of acknowledgment before grabbing your outfit and heading to the bathroom.

just as you finished pulling on your jersey (that you stole from philly), you heard a knock on the bathroom door. you opened it to philly standing there patiently.

"have you seen my-" he cut himself off as he looks at your outfit. he tilts his head and chuckles. "yo, that's the jersey i've been looking for this whole time! when did you take it?"

you widened your eyes and tried to smile less guiltily. "um, i just assumed your were going to wear your bomber jacket again. i wanted an oversized look otherwise i would've just worn mine," you explained.

philly laughs and leans in to give you a kiss on the forehead. "you gotta hurry up. we gotta be out of here soon."

you swatted him off of you. "i'm almost done! just let me style my hair real quick. you got my shoes right?"

the man holds up your shoes to answer your question and you grab them and thank him with a kiss on cheek.

"thanks babe. i'll be right out."

you walk with your hand in philly's as you make your way to the front of the stadium to stand in line. as you stop behind an older couple, you take your phone out to pull up the digital tickets for them to scan. it only takes about five minutes before y'all are at the front of the line, scanning the tickets and walking into the stadium.

"you wanna get food or sit first?" your boyfriend asks you.

"let's get food." you reply. you guys stand in line for another ten minutes and then are able to order your food.

"can i get one dodger dog, one ultra, a sprite, and a slice of cheese pizza?" the server rings up your order and philly hands him his card. he grabs the hot dog and drinks while you grab your pizza and you both head out to the seating area.

"how much more time 'til they start?" you ask him as y'all walk through the crowd of people.

philly checks the time on one of the big digital clocks hanging up and responds to you. "they got like twenty more minutes before they come out."

you nod your head and continue to lead the way towards the seats. after about five minutes, y'all have finally made it to your seats. you're pretty close to the field in the middle of the section, so you can see everything clearly. you both get situated and philly hands your drink to you. you pull out your phone to check if anyone tried to text or call you and you see your boyfriend doing the same in your peripheral. you open up your camera and hold it up for a selfie.

"babe look!" philly turns his attention to you and finds you holding up your phone. he leans over to give you a kiss on the cheek and you snap a pic. he leans back and puts his arm over the back of your chair as you open up instagram to post the picture on your story. you put the caption "date night ♡" and post it before closing your phone and turning back to your boyfriend who is already looking at you. you smile at him and give him a proper kiss before turning back to the field to see if the players have come out yet.

you feel philly remove his arm from your back and turn to see him grab his hot dog which reminds you of your own pizza in your lap. you pick it up to take a bite and make a noise of satisfaction as you turn to philly.

"want a bite? it's really good," he nods and moves forward so you can feed him a piece. he also makes an approving noise. "that's gas."

the two of you continue to eat your food which makes enough time for the players to start coming out and the game to start.

you and philly cheered as the dodgers made another home run. the team called for a break and you grabbed your sprite to take a sip of it. you opened your phone to check for any messages or calls. you could hear yelling from fans in the stadium and looked up to see that the kiss cam was on. you put your phone down and leaned on your boyfriend's shoulder as you both watched the screen. suddenly you saw yourself on the screen and the cheers from the audience closest to you got louder. you quickly opened up your phone to record the screen and at the same time leaned over to philly to fulfill the wish of the kiss cam. you heard the screams get louder as you pecked each others lips and when you pulled away you both laughed at the situation.

"that was so fun," you said chuckling. you stopped recording your video and showed it to philly who asked you to send it to him. you shared it with him and decided to keep it in your photos for future memories, instead of posting it.

by the time you were done sharing the video, the players had started to continue the game and you watched as your boyfriend quickly locked his focus back on the field, which made you laugh at his seriousness. the game was coming to an end, with the ninth inning about to start and the dodgers were so close to victory, you two were on the edge of your seat.

"let's go!" philly screams as the dodgers win the game. as much as you enjoyed your night together, you were excited to go home because you had grown tired as the game went on. you celebrated with philly for a moment and laughed as he recorded himself with the field in the background, talking about the win. you quickly cleaned up all the food trash you two had been saving and then turned to philly who was posting his video to his story. you patiently waited for him to be done before he looked up at you and apologized.

"sorry babe, let's go home before you lose it," he teased with a smile. you playfully swatted him and he grabbed your hand so you two could walk out of the stadium as close together as possible so that you wouldn't get stuck in the traffic of people. you threw away y'all's trash on the way out and after about seven minutes of walking through the crowds and out of the stadium, you made it back to the car. you took the driver's seat since philly had another beer not too long before the game ended. you turned to him as you waited for the cars to clear up a little more.

"did you enjoy yourself?" you asked with a slight grin. your boyfriend grinned back at you. "yes babe, best gift ever."

- hope you enjoyed!
- shouldn't have took me this long to finish this but i've had a VERY long two weeks
- this is kinda short but i think the moments were pretty good
- also the layout keeps glitching out so im sorry if the words are on the left and middle
- anyways hope you enjoyed
semi proofread

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