podcast ii ♡ nick grajeda

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you put your car in park and let out a sigh

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you put your car in park and let out a sigh. you could not believe that this was actually happening. nick had sent you the address to his house a couple of hours ago and here you were sitting in front of it. you turned off the car, grabbed your purse, and finally got out.

you made your way to the front door and exhaled one more time before ringing the door bell. you could slightly hear movement in the house before you saw the doorknob turn and looked up to be met with a familiar smiling face.

"hey! you made it!" nick exclaimed as he opened his arms up for a hug. you gladly gave it to him before he opened the door wider to let you in.

"don't be shy. make yourself at home. we're just waiting on cynthia and maru now. they're bringing the headbands and stuff." you follow him in the house and into living area where you find sean, sage, and devin sitting on their phones. nick addresses them as you two walk in.

"hey guys! y/n is here!" the guys waved at you. nick turned to look at you. "do you want something to drink? i can get you something."

you smiled. "water is fine!"

it took nick about one minute to walk in and out of the kitchen to grab you a water bottle, which you thanked him for, and he led you the couch to sit with the other guys. you took a sip of your water and could feel eyes on you. you turned slightly to the right to find nick looking at you. you faltered and started to touch your face.

"is something on my face?" you asked looking at him. nick widened his eyes.

"oh no, was i staring? i do that when i see pretty girls!" you covered your face with your hands while the other boys in the room fake gagged at his pickup line.

"oh my gosh, that was so cringey but i kind of liked it." you said while smiling. just then a knock was heard and nick got up to get it.

"that must be the girls." nick said and got up to leave the room.

sean, who was sitting on the other side of you, turned in your direction. "that guy has been talking about you nonstop and has been watching your videos ever since he called you two weeks ago."

you made a surprised face. "really?"

he nods. "yup. i swear i hear your voice at least three times a day."

you laughed. "shut up! now you're making him sound like a creep."

at that moment, nick walked in with cynthia and maru. you became nervous all over again but it settled when you saw them smile so big at you.

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