baecation ♡ rio (_blunttrauma_)

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you yawned as you walked hand in hand with your boyfriend in the LAX airport

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you yawned as you walked hand in hand with your boyfriend in the LAX airport. he had surprised you with a quick vacation to miami for your birthday and you were more than happy to go. you guys had already went through tsa and rio was holding your carry-on bag in one hand and yours in the other as y'all made your way to your gate.

"you excited baby?" he asked you while leading you in the direction y'all needed to go.

"of course! i can't wait!" you say with a smile. your boyfriend squeezes your hand in acknowledgment and your heart flutters. you can see your gate number in the distance and check your phone for the time. it reads "8:12" which means y'all had about thirty more minutes until the plane started loading.

"can we get a snack real quick before we sit down?" you ask rio, slightly pulling on his arm. he nods his head and readjusts your bag on his shoulder. you look around at the stores around you and find a mini convenience store. you pull your boyfriend in the direction of the store and he follows you.

you pick out a snack and a drink and he does the same. when you make it to the register, he takes out his phone for apple pay and then grabs your bags. your hold up your intertwined hands to put a kiss on the back of his as a thank you. he leads you out of the store and back into your boarding area, where you two find seats.

he hands your snacks over and you get to munching happily which makes him laugh at you and reach over to give you a slight peck on the lips. you take a couple more bites before putting your leftovers in your bag for later and then resting your head on rio's shoulder.

you two sit in comforting silence before your group is called to get in line. rio helps you stand and grabs your bag for you. he follows you to the line and stands fairly close behind you.

"i'll give you the window seat so you don't have to sit by any randos," he slightly whispers to you. you give him a thumbs up and soon afterwards y'all are boarding the plane.

rio puts your carryon in the overhead storage while you get situated in your seat and he joins you shortly afterwards. you rest your head on his shoulders and close your eyes, falling into dreamland shortly afterwards.

you let your boyfriend lead you down the hallway of what you presumed to be your hotel room. he had put a blindfold on you when you got your rented car at the airport, so you had no idea where you were currently. he stopped you from walking and you heard him unlocking the door, before he grabbed your hand and lead you into the room.

"you ready babe?" he asked. you nodded excitedly and felt him come behind you to take off the blindfold. you opened your eyes to find the one of the most luxurious hotels you've ever seen. the bed was decorated with roses and a champagne bottle and you looked up to find "happy birthday" balloons across the headboard.

you squealed and ran to wrap your arms around your boyfriends neck in a hug. "it's so cute babe! when did you get this done?"

he squeezed you with a laugh as he responded, "i hired someone to check in the hotel and decorate it before we got here. do you like it?"

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