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margaret_beer posted on her instagram story

margaret_beer posted on her instagram story

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liked by sydneysweeney, conan madison_beer and 846,285 othersmargaret_beertilly helping me get ready for the night🎀

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liked by sydneysweeney, conan madison_beer and 846,285 others
tilly helping me get ready for the night🎀

my babyyyy.. and ig mags too

missin you bothhh
we miss you too twin🤍

you both ate.
i only did bc she helped
but she always slays

she's so lana coded
so trueee she's a cinnamon girl

oooo where r u going
syd is dragging me to a party🥲
omg what if we have a euphoria x mags moment!!

omg i just saw the saddest edit to your songs😢😭😩
awww babes🥹

hate her. she's only relevant bc of madison

sydney's uber pulled up outside my house just as i was putting on a cute movie for matilda to watch. whenever i leave for a few hours i put on disney movies for her. tonight its 'lady and the tramp' one of her favs. i kiss her on the head and walk out to the uber. sunday slide over so i can get in and we catch up on the way there.

"so who's party are we going to?"

"sam our director on euphoria, he just put out a new show so they wanted to celebrate." she explained

"oooo is zendaya gonna be there bc i miss her?"

"ummm i don't think so.. her and tom are in london." she thought for a moment, "the only cast from euphoria that'll be there is hunter, alexa, jacob, and maybe dominic."

"ooo my babies alexa and hunter." i grew close to the girls on euphoria when they were filming, they called me an honorary cast member since i'd sit in sydney trailer and write while she was on set. though i only ever really hung out with the girls.

"and we're here." the uber lady said and i gave her the tip, syd paid for the whole ride so it's the least i could do.

walking into the party, it's a lot more lowkey than i thought. champagne bottles and cocktails were at a bar on the far side of the living room area and the the open space was massive. it was a mansion in the hills so i don't know what i expected to be different. syd and i grabbed cocktails and tried to find the girls, hunter popped up first and gave us both hugs and kisses on the cheek.

she walked us to where alexa was at a table with dominic and jacob. the little euphoria reunion finished and we all sat down. jacob and dominic were across from eachother with alexa and hunter on dom's side and sydney and i on jacobs. they all talked about different acting roles they were auditioning for and he's they've just recently got when dom turns to me.

"you're in music right?"

"yep, i'm a singer." i never know how to answer that without sounding cocky.

"you have any projects coming up?" hunter asked me

"ehh my label wants new stuff but here lately ive hit a wall, no inspo what so ever."

"yea i feel like getting you out will give you some inspo." syd responded.

"i don't know how but ill just let you do your thing." i shrugged and we all laughed.

later on in the night we've sort of run out of talking points. hunter dragged me and the girls to the dance floor and we all danced around each other. sydney gave me a signal to look somewhere and i turn to see jacob leaning on a wall watching us dance. i do the first thing that comes to mind, which is to walk over and grab his hands, pulling him back to the group. he laughs and we all dance together.

i'm tipsy but still sober, i just feel more free and relaxed. jacob, however, doesn't seem too sober. he comes closer to me and sets his hands on my hips swaying with the music and i have no clue what to do. i'm not uncomfortable or anything but i don't know if he actually knows what he's doing.

i look over at sydney to see her smiling with hunter while keeping their eyes on us. the night continues and we get tired of dancing, well more like jacob gets tired of dancing and we all agree. we walk back to the table and jacob puts a hand on the small of my back to guide us back.

"i didn't know if y'all wanted drinks so i just got enough for all of us." dom says as he gestures to the assorted cocktails all around the table. we all thanked him and took our drinks. i have no clue what came over me but i downed mine in three drinks. sydney noticed this and excused herself and i to the bathroom where she made sure i was okay.

"yea i'm good haha just want to let loose tonight." and with that we went back to the table. i sat next to jacob and he turned and looked into my eyes for awhile.

"well hello there." he slurred in his australia accent which made hello sound more like 'ello' i giggled and he lifted an eyebrow.

mimicking his accent i say, "well hello to you too." it was a bad attempt but we both laughed. sydney looked at her phone and told me that she was ordering an uber since it was pretty late, and we started saying our goodbyes to everyone. when it got to jacob he leaned down to give me a hug and kissed me lightly on the cheek, "it was a pleasure to meet you margaret."

i don't know if it was the alcohol or if he was just that charming but that was the only thing replaying in my mind the whole uber ride home.

oh. this one's long as hell😭
honestly love it though bc i didn't want to rush into them like just being in love. anywayss i really like this start and feel like this story is gonna be good!

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