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*ring* *ring* *ring* *ring*

"hello" my morning voice prominent as i answered my managers call. she always calls early.

"so you have two songs in your 'vault' and i'm thinking it's time for another album" you can hear the treadmill running in the back. she's working out at 6 in the morning?!

"i told you i have zero inspo for music" we have this talk every few weeks.

"well find some! the label wants something by the end of the year." it's august.

"ill try but don't promise them anything."

"perfect! i love you mags. get to it!" shes such a morning person.

i get up, taking tilly outside and making coffee. i make my way to my 'office' which is just a comfy couch with a table in front for me to write songs on. she's right, i have two great songs. but they're break up songs from when me and dylan split up. i have no clue if i even want to use them. i'd have to make a whole breakup album which is even harder because i'm not in that situation anymore.

"hello!" conan's bright smile lit up my screen when he answers my facetime call.

"i need helppp!" i groan, "i have two break up songs from me and dylan and the label wants a whole album, but i have no break up vibes going on. like i'm not hurt anymore so it wouldn't be real emotions."

"maybe do a transition album?" he says after a bit, "like sad sappy into happy shit?"

"hmm honestly sounds great. i knew you were the one to call on this one." we talked more about his music and everything else going on and i filled him in on last night.

"so you're telling me, six foot five jacob elordi kissed you on the cheek and you don't have something to write about!?!"

"well.." i had nothing to defend myself.

"girl. drunk or not he thinks you're hot. do something about it!"

"bitch like what?"

"follow him on insta? he'll get the message." there's silence between us as i tap my screen a few times.

you started following jacobelordi


"what i didn't actually think you would." he started freaking out

"WHAT! you told me to."

"yea but you never listen.. oh my god you like him too!" he screamed

"noooo. i only met him once!"

jacobelordi followed you back


"what?!?! what?!" he's freaking out now

"he followed me back!" we both freak out and scream about it for a few minutes.

margaret_beer posted a story

wish i could just write a whole album about you🥺

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wish i could just write a whole album about you🥺

that's the cutest dog i've ever seen (don't tell my dog i said that)

"OH MY FUCKING GOD" i jump up from the couch and tilly runs around as i jump. why am i so excited that he complimented my dog?

that's the cutest dog i've ever seen (don't tell my dog i said that)

haha your secret is safe with me🤐
what kind of dog do you have

golden retriever
she's my literal rock
and she smiles like actually
with dimples and all

that's sooo adorable
we need to have a
puppy play date

"ew why did i say puppy play date?!"

yess that'd be nice
layla doesn't go around
dogs that much so she'd
probably love it

here's my number btw
feel like it's easier then dms

i'll text you

kind of a short one compared to the last chapter but i really like it. can't wait to show mags writing these songs bc i already have the perfect album made😊

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