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"wait! you're going on a date?!" sabrina screams through the phone.

"nooo! a puppy playdate." i laugh, "we're just getting coffee before the dog park." i'd already had this same conversation with sydney and conan yesterday.

"now hurry up and help me pick an outfit." it may not be a date, but i'm definitely still stressing over an outfit.

"wear something casual.. i mean you'll look good in anything." sabrina shrugged over the phone as i rummaged through my closet. i pulled out brown pants and created a basic outfit from that. me and sabrina ended the call as i left the house. i got into my blue ford bronco and headed to the coffee shop we were meeting at. matilda was sitting in the passenger seat on a bed i always kept there for her, she seemed excited for a car ride.

liked by jacobelordi, conan, and othersmargaret_beerdog park couture💁🏻‍♀️

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liked by jacobelordi, conan, and others
dog park couture💁🏻‍♀️

slaying the dog park one poop bag at a time
this made me giggle

laylas excited🐶
so is tilly😊

no mfing way my two celeb crushes are having a dog date😨
idk what i'm gonna do if they get together
i'll die of pure hotness overload.

too young to be our mother but she is the it girl

we need paps pics of them tg

i could see the tall australian guy outside the coffee shop before i even parked. he stood out just by his height and the sight of him with a hyper dog by his side was even more striking. he spotted me getting out and came over, "margaret! it's great to see you again." we hugged before i got tilly out of the car and on her leash, when i did the two dogs got acquainted and seemed to like each other.

"so coffee first?" he asked.

i nodded my head, "i definitely need coffee." we made quick conversation as we ordered and walked towards the dog park a few blocks away. talking about anything from our families and growing up, to what we're doing now and our goals. as the dogs played in the fenced in area we sat and talked more.

"so you're writing an album right now? finally found some inspiration i see."

"actually i had a few songs already and they're kind of making me make an album.. but, i'm actually finding some inspiration for new songs." i could sit and talk about my music for hours.. not in a cocky way, i'm just so proud of the things i've made.

"so what kinds of songs are they?" now i didn't want to get into the ex talk but i guess i was just waiting for it to happen.

"uhh well.. a few years back i was in a rough breakup, so there's those left over songs. but it's going to transition into happier songs that are more like how i am now."

"oh that sounds really interesting, like a healing process in the form of an album."

"exactly!!" thankful we didn't go further into the breakup, i'm guessing he didn't want to go there either. we started talking about different roles he was doing and just life overall when the dogs came over looking tired.

"wow you guys ran yourselves out." we laughed as we walked back to our cars. i ended up carrying tilly because of how tired she got.

"it was great to hang out with you again." he said pulling me in for a hug.

"it was! we should do it again soon." please agree please say yes

"id love that!" yes!

"okay perfect!" i smiled getting into my car.

"text me when you get home so i know you made it safely!" he said as he walked backwards towards his car, still facing me.

i made my way home and couldn't stop smiling, i don't know what it was about this guy but he could always put a smile on my face.

this chapter may be all cutesy but it gets rough next chapter. stay tuned bc i'm writing it rn and lowkey wanna publish it asap! enjoy!!

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