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"do you remember happy together?
i do, don't you?
then all of a sudden, you're sick to you stomach
is that still true?" margaret was singing one of the vault songs 'i miss you, im sorry' for her manager and by the end of it she was in tears. they both were, her manager remembers how she felt doing that time. margaret wouldn't get out of bed for weeks, it was a war just to get her in the shower for the first time. but after a bit of pushing she slowly started to get back to normal happy mags and tish was so proud.

"still amazing as always." tish compliments as she wipes her eyes.

"thanks, i have two more songs to add to the album." it had been a week since that phone call, and a week of talking to jacob randomly throughout her days. he was constantly on her mind and now, on her lyric book.

"break up songs or?"

"it's a transitional album. so these two break up songs will start off the album then we'll work our way into my healing era and then my happy era."

"so love songs? who's the inspo?"

"oh.. no one." she tried to lie. she didn't want to tell anyone that she liked jacob in fear that he wouldn't feel the same.

"i know you margaret. you can't write fake emotions.. they always have to be real."

"fine.. sydney introduced me to her costar, jacob elordi, and we kind of hit it off. nothing special tho just texting about our dogs." it was true, except for the late night facetime calls where there just talked about their lives. though, there was a planned 'puppy playdate' for tomorrow, and mags was super excited.

"well anyone who gets you to write two songs in a week must be a catch, listen i gotta go but send me some files of these new songs." she kissed me on the cheek and made her way to the front door. it was only eleven so i had the whole day to myself now. which meant more songs to write, if i could muster up some thoughts..

hey just seeing if we're
still on for tmr?

yes ofc
idk how but tilly is so excited

wait so you always call
her tilly but is that short
for something

uhh yea.. matilda

like the harry styles song

i'm not gonna question
that you listen to harry styles
bc i love that but yes

i love harry styles

you're like an australia harry

i'm gonna take that as a compliment

you should!!
anyways.. harry wanted
me to feature on it but i had
some personal things going
on and wasn't really in the
creative mood. but when
i got tilly i knew that had
to be her name.

well you would've been
amazing on that song.
but mental health comes
first and maybe you'll get
that chance again

true.. well i have to
get back to writing,
but ill see you tmr!

bye margaret

mmm next chapter is gonna be good! i can feel it. buttt lmk anything yall want me to add into the story im so open to ideas!

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