Professor Lupin

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Gotta give yet another thanks to my second reader (That I know of)! doughnuts1fan. Thank you so much for reading my story!



"Huh? Oh.. Hey Crookshanks," I said as I greeted the orange tabby cat. "Where's Hermy?" I whispered in the cat's ear. All it did was lay down and sleep next to me.

I hate how cats don't get lots of love, whilst dogs do. In my opinion, I think cats are better.

I dropped my head back onto my fluffy pillow, and shut my eyes, still rubbing Crookshanks' belly.

"Catherine! Catherine! Get up!" A high-pitched voice called out around my ear.

"But Hermy," I whined as she pulled the sheets back, sending Crookshanks off the bed.

"It's time to go!" She said excitedly as she was practically bouncing around the room, "We have our first Defence Against the Dark Arts lesson!"

"Alright, Alright," I said groggily as I stepped into the bathroom with my robes, "Coming, just hold on a second."

I quickly used a charm to straighten my hair then left it down and hurriedly walked out to where Hermione was stroking her cat.

"Oh! You're done! Well, let's go!" She said quickly as she held the door open for me.

We made our way into the Great Hall, my blonde hair streaking behind me as I quickly hurried my step to get away from Hermione, who was telling me every single fact about every creature we could possibly be studying.

"-Boggarts actually turn into your greatest fear so-"

"Good morning!" I said cheerfully to Ron and Harry, who looked like they just withstanded a tornado.

"'Orning!" Ron said with a mouth full of toast.

"-And werewolves, Oh! Those things are ba-"

"-Hermy, do you mind eating? Or do you want me to eat your eggs?" I said, making her look at the three of us like she didn't know how she got here.

"Oh. Yeah, I'll eat it."

I smiled slightly to myself as Hermione started to eat whilst reading her book.

"Ronny, You mind keeping your eyes off her? She's mine," I teased as I watched his eyes travel from Hermione to me to his food again.

He murmured something along the lines of "my eyes weren't on her," and "she's all yours."

"Oh! Look at the time, We're going to be late if we don't leave now," Hermione said hastily.

"Hermione. Hermione!" I shouted as she didn't pause when I called her the first time.

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