Chapter 9: I Made You Admirable

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⚠️ Mature Scene ⚠️

*Song recommended Eve Precious Pepala*

As soon as me and Ledger walked on stage the crowd erupted in cheers. I stopped in my tracks for a second, looking at Rick who gave me a nod, and said the same thing he's always said, "act."

I smiled and turned back towards Ledger who held his hand out for me.

Me and Ledger walked to are seats waving and smiling at the crowd. Before sitting next to Lucky Flickerman, and Alek.

"Oh shush shush," Alek said, shushing the crowd with his hand causing all of us to laugh.

"Well let me just start with how gorgeous this dress is! We are really taking it back to your first interview with the red aren't we?"

Alek said as the crowd cheered, "okay we get it the dress is beautiful, but what about me? Am I just chopped liver?"

Ledger said causing me to laugh, "always have to steal the spotlight don't we?" I responded to Ledger causing everyone to laugh.

"Hey, don't be getting all catty I think your both beautiful." Lucky said, causing us to laugh. "He just called you beautiful."

I said in the little mic, "I'll take it, it's not every day someone sees me for my beauty."

Ledger said causing everyone to laugh, "okay but serious talk. I think everyone was as surprised as me, when we found out there were two Victors."

Alek said, "preach it." Lucky responded, causing me to laugh. "Can you explain why there's two Victors?" Lucky Flickerman asked.

I looked at Ledger to see if he wanted to answer, but he nodded his head saying I could. "Well I just couldn't stand the idea of losing my best friend." I said grabbing his hand.

"I honestly think some people are mad about it," I whispered, causing Alek to gasp. "Mad? At you? No way."

He said, "yes," I giggled. "I said that if we couldn't walk out together, then there would be no Victor at all."

"So you're saying that you both would have died, before one of you became a Victor?"

Lucky asked, "yes that's exactly what she's saying." Ledger said, looking out at the audience.

"Now that is a friendship I want in my life! What about you guys?"

Alek said, as he turned to the audience. The audience broke out in cheers before lucky started to speak.

"Now I can gurentee I don't want to talk about this as much as you, but the games."

Lucky said, turning towards me and Ledger, "now you probably weren't counting, but Ledger you killed two tributes. And Isabella you killed ten. Together you guys killed half of the tributes."

As soon as Lucky said that my stomach dropped, because what he said was true.

"That's definitely not a easy pill to swallow is it?" I said turning towards Ledger. "I don't know what to say, because I'm not happy about it."

I said, "really? You were pretty brutal in that arena," Alek said, taking me by shock. "Not only were you brutal, but you also had the best time compared to every tribute."

"You think I enjoyed killing all those innocent people, almost every single one was a minor!" I yelled frustrated. "And I may have had the best timer, but I wasn't happy about it! I killed innocent people!" "Hey now," Ledger said, grabbing my hand to calm me.

"I'm sorry, it's just that it's a tough subject, I never wanted to do that. And to think that I did, haunts me."

I said, looking at Alek and Lucky, before looking out at the audience.

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