Chapter 7: the sorting

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As they walked out of the train they saw a group of three first years outside talking to Hagird. Holly was listening in on them as she stood there listening, "you know Harry that since your back in the wizarding world he that must not be named will be looking for you". Holly heard that she thought Voldemort was dead, but was he really? "But Voldemort died when he tried to kill me Hargird" Harry said now getting a little bit worried about what Hagird was talking about. "People think the dark lord lived you know Harry" hargird said as he noticed Holly, then he whispered to Harry "and some of his followers had children like her". He looked at Harry "she was raised by the Malfoys, she is cold hearted just like the Malfoy's, so let's hope you don't end up near her anytime soon". As soon as he was done he grabbed Harry by the wrist and walked him inside, leaving Holly thinking about what he said. Was she really bad, as she turned to Ash he saw him walking into the school, then holly got scared by Draco.

"Cousin let's go we don't want to stand next to muggles you know or Weasleys gross you know" Draco laughed as he grabbed you by your arm and you guys started walking inside. As they walked Holly saw so much of the things she read about in her books. It was a dream to her to learn magic, but then Draco interrupted her thoughts. "Why do you look so happy, it's just school you know" Draco said he wasn't never the smartest of his family, not even close so Holly understood why he didn't enjoy school like she did. "You wouldn't understand Draco I learn for fun not like you that does because your mom makes you" she said giving Draco the side eye as she walked inside holding her bag. As she walked in she saw a tall woman with ink black hair green eyes and a pale skin she was in her mid 50 at least. "Hello students today you will be sorted into your houses, but first a tour of the school" professor McGonagall said her voice sounding old but pleasant at least. As they walked around Holly had seen a glass case which had shown Ash's father as seeker champion. She smiled a little bit thinking of Ash she had just met him but they had a good bond to say the least.

        As they kept walking they ran into many cool things till they finally made it to the Great Hall. It had candles floating and the roof looked like there was no roof and just the night sky. At that moment a very old man stood up he was the heady of hogwarts Albus Dumbedore. "Hello students as headmaster I would like to introduce to you to the teachers of Hogwarts". He looks up and points at potions master Severus Snape, "this is Professor Snape the potions master and the head of Slytherin house". Then he points at Professor McGonagall "this is Professor McGonagall head of Griffindor house and transfiguration professor" dumbedore said as he then looks at the empty seat next to him and turns to McGonagall. "Where is Quirrell at?" At that moment a man by the name of Professor Quirrell comes in. "Sorry I was training the trolls". He said but Holly could tell something was up with him.

"Now let's get the students sorted" Dumbedore said standing up and bringing in the sorting hat. "You will be sorted into your house there is Slytherin, Griffindor, Raveclaw and Huffpuff" McGonagall said. "Now first we will start with Ash Black" she said as Ash came up to the front and sat under the hat.

       "Hmm he has loyalty, but he is a Black" the sorting hat said as it sat on Ash's head only for him to hear. "Hmmmm... GRIFFINDOR!" Ash smiled as he stood up and walked over to the Griffindor table. "Next up Hermione granger" McGonagall said. Hermione then sat down and the sorting hat shouted "GRIFFINDOR!" She smiled as she then walked over taking the seat next to Ash "I guess we are griffindor's?" Ash nodded and kept watching. "Next up Draco Malfoy" as soon as the sorting hit his head it said "SLYTHERIN!" Since all Malfoys were Slytherin of course. Next up was Ron Weasley same as the MALFOY'S the whole Weasley family was sorted into house of Griffindor "GRIFFINDOR!" Now as Harry Potter went up he was begging not to be in slytherin and guess his wishes were granted because "GRIFFINDOR!"

       Now it was Hollys turn, as she walked up to the front she was shaking nervously not wanting to be in Raveclaw or Huffpuff and wanting Slytherin. As she sat down the sorting hat was put on her head and she could hear its thoughts. "Hun a Lestrange, but not an evil one but I still see the cunning and ambition traits in you so...". The sorting hat takes a deep breath and shouts "SLYTHERIN!" Holly was so happy she jumped up and ran to sit next to Draco and the Slytherin gang. "I'm in Draco!" She said excitedly as she gave him a small hug. When he turns to her "congratulations but you almost ended up in Raveclaw so who knows maybe you are just a filthy cousin" he said as he gave her a stick look as he got up and started following Professor Snape to the Slytherin common room. As they walked Snape was talking about the history of Slytherin. "Ugh history who needs it" Draco said rolling his eyes when Snape turns around and looks at him. "Mr Malfoy history is important you know since pure bloods are most of history" he turned back around still not showing any evidence of emotion. "Um excuse me Professor I was wondering if I could ask why Slytherin only lets pure and half blood in?" Holly asked being a little bit of a nerd herself and liking to learn. Snape didn't turn around to her but started to answer her question "the house of slytherin found by Salazar Slytherin was to say the least the only pure blood house since he didn't like half or mud bloods but after I few years they started to allow half bloods into the house". Holly was actually learning a lot since the Malfoys books were normally about pure bloods and how they are so great so she loved learning something new compared to what she normally learned.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23 ⏰

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