OVA Part 3: Teresa (Vessel of Teresa du Laurentia)

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Teresa sighed as she looked out at the vast skies above her. I wonder where my parents went. Did they leave me so they wouldn't have to take care of me? What did I do wrong for my family to abandon me? Teresa thought to herself sadly as she curled herself into a ball.

At this point in time, this was a year before she had met the man who would become her husband, Hans Stormo. At this point in time, the only one she had to rely on was her best friend Monika. But at times like this, where Monika was away from her, Teresa found herself drifting to the thoughts of how she was abandoned by the family that wanted nothing to do with her.

Teresa felt tears flowing down her cheeks. Am I really that unwanted? Will no one ever love me again? She thought to herself.

Then she heard a voice speak into her mind. One that has spoken to her for all of her life. A voice of a much older woman with blond hair in knight armor. "Of course you will, sweetheart. When you believe all hope is lost, that's when you must find the strength to keep pushing forward until you find it for yourself, sweetheart." The woman spoke.

Teresa sighed. You say that all the time though! I... I don't even know if I want to live anymore... I mean, all I was was a drag to Monika today... Even if you're a future variant of me, how did you even live to be so beautiful and happy?! Teresa shouted internally.

The woman, Teresa du Laurentia, smiled as her silhouette comforted her younger self and chuckled heartily, "I can't go telling you all the answers to what you want to know but... believe in me. You will find someone who will make you so happy that you won't ever find it in yourself to ever think like this again. You just need to have faith and hope. Sometimes, that's all we need to take a step forward in life." She told her kindly.

Teresa glanced at her future self in her mind and exhaled, Are you sure? I won't... I won't have to deal with a bad guy hurting me?

Teresa du Laurentia chuckled, "Yes. Just have faith in the future."

Teresa slowly stood up and took a deep breath. Ok... I will try. Teresa then marched down the hill she was sitting on and a small smile formed on her face as she balled her hands into fists as a tiny, barely perceptible golden aura radiated from her form.

A/N: Really short, I know, but I have two other OVAs and then Chapter 11 coming out literally right after this so... hope that counts for something.

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