Chapter 7

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I teleported to where the System was pinging me her location on my Map, a feature of the System. It was located in the {Quests} section.

I stumbled. Ooh shit. This damn headache. Wait, can I use Restoration magic on my headache?

I looked up and found three older men and a young girl my age in a scuffle. The young girl was clearly losing while the older men were winning. I say older men, but they were only twelve years old.

I gritted my teeth, clutching my head in pain. No time to focus on myself. I need to end this. I reached into my Inventory and pulled out Donner and Schlag. I fired Donner at two of the guys, but because of my blurry vision from my severe headache, I couldn't disable them right away. However, luckily for me, my bullets still packed enough force that even if the bullet didn't hit them, the force and power behind it would still definitely be enough to render them out of a fight if I aimed close enough.

One kid with brown hair fell onto his face from the force of the bullet when I aimed for the back of his knee. The other kid, this one with black hair, flew over the girl and smacked into a tree on the opposite side of her from the force of the bullet, which I had aimed for his back.

I then pointed Schlag at the last kid. "Don't move." I warned. Let's focus on that Restoration cleansing. I closed my eyes and mana swirled around me. My headache was slowly waning from the application of Restoration magic.

I sighed and grinned once my headache had cleared. I opened my eyes and saw a fist flying at me. Oh shit! I teleported a few feet away and held out my hand to the boy. A telekinetic pressure slammed down from above and flattened the boy, pinning him to the ground. I turned my gaze to the one that was watching me like a hawk the entire time.

So that's Sooyoung Han, huh. I thought as I calmly walked over to her. She looked just like how she was described. Only difference being that she was seven years old physically this time instead of being 26 like she was in the story.

She narrowed her eyes on me, "What do you want?" She demanded, venom dripping from her tongue as she spoke.

I smirked, "Yo! Been some time hasn't it, Sooyoung?" I said, speaking in fluent Korean. Korean, thankfully, was one of the languages I was extremely proficient in. Then again, that spoke for Japanese and Mandarin too for far East languages.

Her eyes widened drastically and the hostility towards me vanished in an instant. "Dokja?" She said, standing up abruptly.

I shook my head. "No. I'm just someone close to him. For some reason, since arriving here, this 'System' thing has decided to force my hand in helping out people from his world, including you." I corrected her, further elaborating.

She took a step back, then groaned, clutching her head. "Damn it, Dokja, what are you up to now?" She muttered to herself, crossing her arms. "Wait... could he have? That crazy bastard would do something like that. Honestly..."

I narrowed my eyes. What could she be thinking about? What could Dokja be doing?

{You have completed 'Immediate Quest'. Due to your actions and your knowledge of the 'Other World' you have brought forth the attention of certain beings. Constellations are starting to form in the night sky.}

{A constellation is gazing at you with a warm look.}

{'Immediate Quest' completion rewards...

Rewards: Sooyoung Han's favor, a new exclusive skill, the addition of a new incarnation, and a new harem member}

{You have earned Sooyoung Han's favor!}

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