Tears for celestice

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'Hello? Is.. anyone there..?'

. . .

'I cant quite remember anything..'

Their vision becomes less blurry, alowing them to get a good glimpse of where ever they were.
Infront of them sits a long dragon, their eyes piercing right through them.

'Yeesh.. hello..? Who.. are you..? Who.. am i..?'

They'd look at their hands, curiously looking at their body. They notice they have a long tail, a star hovering at the end of it. The tail was'nt exactly soft but rather.. Similar to the dragon's who had been watching them. They'd put a hand on their head, feeling something just above it. They'd look up, curiously and discover they also had two purple, curled up antenna's. He appear confused.

'What.. am i?..'

The dragon would grab them by the scruff of their neck, flying away despite having no wings. They held them in a caring way.
The dragon lands in a strange valley of glowing flowers, carrying them inside some sort of burrow. They'd set them down, sitting in front of them again. This time, some sort of mental message coming across.

'Hello there, Hoshi.'


'Yes, Hello. You can call me Amaris. I made you.'

'Made.. me..?'

'I thought it would be quite obvious, considering we share similar features. I dont blame you though, you quite literally have just been made..'

'How are you.. talking to me.. i mean.. your mouth isnt moving or.. anything really..'

'Im speaking to you through your mind. I cannot speak but, i can communcate to you via telepathy. Cool, right?'

'Yeah.. i suppose so..'

'Now.. i need you to stay hidden. if that damned Hexalios finds out about you here, he might just kill you..'


"You eh... sort of illegal. Dragon guardians are supposed to be made by colony leader. I made you because Hexalios refused to make me a guardian..'

'oh.. ill try my best to stay hidden.. im not.. used to this living thing, you know.. i used to just.. sit in the sky.. be sparkly..'

'Yes yes.. you were a star before. Quite literally.'

'So.. how am I alive..?'

'I was able to share some of my DNA with you. With enough force and everything, I was able to form something out of you..'

'Huh.. I never thought it would be possible.. not that i could ever think before this..'

'Yeah, it really wouldnt have been without my Magic.'

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