Peerage (Seras Victoria)

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Anything you own isn't mine. And I'm sorry in advance if this is just a giant love-letter to Hellsing Ultimate Abridged.

"I don't give a shit, I don't give a fuck, I don't give a shit, I don't give a fuck. Now if I give a shit, I might just give a fuck, but I don't give a shit, so I don't give a-" Suddenly, a loud BANG sounded from behind Kenji.

"The fuck was that?" he said to himself, turning around and looking at the building, which looked like an abandoned hospital of sorts.

Now why was Kenji in Ireland, of all places?

Well, the answer was simple.

Kenji had heard Armaros, one of the Cadre, telling Tamiel, another member of the 7 Cadre (Baraqiel, Penemue, Albedo, Armaros, Sahariel, Tamiel and Kokabiel (in order from strongest to weakest)) that there was a Stray Devil in the city of Galway, Ireland, which was Grigori territory.

Not having had any action (not THAT kind of action, you pervs! Though now that you mention it, Kenji had shagged Zest and Erza a few times recently) since the massacre he'd caused when he reincarnated Erza, Kenji volunteered to head to Ireland on his own and deal with the Stray Devil.

So he'd headed to Ireland, where he'd found the Stray Devil, snuck up on it from behind and cut it into pieces.

A fucking Low-Class Devil could deal with that thing.

Anyway, he was walking around the city, just drinking in the nice scenery, where he heard a loud BANG from an abandoned hospital.

"The fuck?" Kenji whispered, drawing his sword and heading towards the hospital. Kicking the door open with one foot, he gripped his sword tightly, and slowly advanced into the building. Looking around, he saw rotting dead bodies lying on the floor, with their heads blown up.

"Looks like someone was here already." Kenji muttered. "Or is still here." Slowly advancing up the stairs, he heard a shriek of pain. A female shriek of pain.

Quickening his pace, Kenji readied his magic and came into a corridor, where there was a scene playing out. He saw that a tall man with spiky gold hair and broad shoulders, wearing a large white cassock with purple trim, and white gloves, and holding a bayonet, had cut off the head of a person. The only discernible feature they had, from where Kenji was standing, was that they were wearing a hat.

"MASTER!" someone cried out. Kenji's eyes flicked to the source of the voice, and he saw an attractive blonde woman with blonde hair cut into a flare cut and blue eyes. She was lying on the floor, and had several bayonets through her body. Kenji idly fanned out his magic, and recognised both beings at once for what they were.

'Vampires.' He thought. 'One much, much, MUCH stronger than the other.' The decapitated vampire with the hat, Kenji could sense, had power that seemed to be on the level of his older brother, scratch that, maybe a little bit more.

The other man threw back his head and laughed. Loudly. Kenji could tell that he was trying to sound like a sadistic psychopath, though he was failing horribly at it.

"That's it?!" he laughed, turning around and gloating. Kenji quickly hid himself behind a wall, so he wouldn't be seen.

'Damn, that motherfucker is wearing a cross!' he thought. 'This is bad.'

"This thing was Hellsing's ultimate weapon?!" the man said, coughing himself back to seriousness. "The great domesticated vampire, what a disappointment. He's a joke, bloody Protestants screw everything up."

He turned around, and Kenji saw a trail of blood going up the corridor.

"Well, after all that she's still able to crawl away." The man said to himself, softly. "It seems I may have underestimated my little Draculina." He then drew out two more bayonets. "I guess I'll kill her now." He said.

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