Peerage (Kaneki and Touka)

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Anything you recognise isn't mine.

Kenji dashed forward and met Baraqiel's punch with one of his own. He pulled back and tried to sweep-kick him, but the Strongest Cadre met his kick with one of his own, and sent his leg backwards.

Performing a quick backflip, Kenji landed on his feet and rushed again, at Baraqiel, creating a light-trident in his hand, while Baraqiel created a sword.

The handle of Kenji's light-trident met Baraqiel's light-sword, and Kenji overpowered Baraqiel this time around, jabbing him HARD in the stomach with the end of it, sending him backwards a couple of feet.

Baraqiel dispelled his light-sword, and charged at Kenji, infusing his signature power, Holy Lightning, into his fists and legs. Kenji knew damn well of Baraqiel's Holy Lightning, and he knew that if he was hit with a powerful enough hit from it, he could class himself as dead.

Infusing his own signature power, Power of Destruction (Kenji used Power of Holy Destruction when he fought against Devils and Stray Devils), into his fists and legs, Kenji met Baraqiel's attacks. The two traded punches and kicks for about half a minute, before the young Gremory was overpowered by the Cadre.

Baraqiel sent a Holy-Lightning-charged punch into Kenji's abdomen, and sent him flying to the floor. Spitting out a large quantity of blood from his mouth, Kenji stood up again, and spread his sixteen coloured wings. In turn, Baraqiel spread his ten wings, and both took to the skies.

Baraqiel fired hundreds of small bullets of Holy Lightning at Kenji, who let them come to him.

"Reflect!" he shouted, casting a huge magic-circle from his hand. When the bullets hit, they flew back the way they had come at Baraqiel, but they had taken on a crimson colour, instead of Baraqiel's signature whitish-yellow Holy Lightning.

Kenji had used his Reflect power, in combination with his Power of Destruction, to infuse anything that hit his Reflect barrier with the Power of Destruction, which would increase the damage if someone was hit with their own Destruction-infused reflected attack.

However, Baraqiel managed to get away from the bullets, and flew towards Kenji. Snapping his fingers, Kenji looked above him to see that one hundred orbs of Holy Lightning had appeared in a very large circle, above Kenji's head.

Baraqiel gave a smirk, and clapped his hands.

Kenji's eyes widened, and he barely managed to make a cocoon of demonic ice around himself in time. One hundred bolts of Holy Lightning struck the ice-cocoon at one hundred different points, but the cocoon held strong for the first blast of it.

The second time that one hundred blasts occurred, the cocoon began to crack slightly, and Kenji poured more and more demonic power into the ice, to keep it from breaking.

The third time, it cracked even more, and Kenji felt himself running out of power. Sweating hard, he poured the last of the energy into it, before he finally ran out.

The fourth and final time that Baraqiel used the attack, the ice-cocoon smashed completely, revealing a sweaty and exhausted Kenji.

His eyes beginning to glow crimson, Kenji coated his whole body in the Power of Destruction. Kenji let out a scream as he let out a huge blast of the power. Baraqiel smirked, and waved his hand, letting out a blast of Holy Lightning to meet Kenji's Power of Destruction.

As Kenji didn't have the energy to back up the blast of energy, Baraqiel's Lighting dissipated the Power of Destruction into uncontrolled orbs of the energy, and they flew in random directions, blowing up everything and anything they hit, in the battle-dimension that they were in.

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