Peerage (Yang and Ruby)

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Anything you recognise isn't mine.

"Akame, head to the left! Erza, go right! Valian, stay in the air!" Kenji commanded Akame, Erza and Valian. The four of them were on a mission to take out a gang of stray Titans.

Titans were a species of beings that served the Greek Gods and Goddesses. Ranging from three meters to sixty meters tall, and taking a humanoid appearance, they survived on meat and blood, and ate it by the ton. The meat that they ate was created for them by the Greek deity they served, and was extremely similar to the meat of animals, such as humans.

Titans did loyally serve their respective Greek deity (as they each had an army of them), in return for the meat and blood that the gods created for them, but sometimes, some went stray, looking for actual meat to eat. Which was why there were some in the countryside of the Grigori territory, and Kenji had volunteered, along with Valian, Erza and Akame, to go and take them out.

"Erza, promote!" Kenji roared.

"Got it!" Erza replied. "Promotion: Queen!" A silver light came over her, and she appeared in the silver armour that Azazel had created for her. Erza had named it her 'Heaven's Wheel' armour, since when she wore it, Revy had sarcastically commented that Erza looked like a goddess, and she could create a wheel of swords from the armour whenever she wore it.

Erza spread the four metal wings, and flew into the air, preparing to engage the two Titans that were on the right.

"Akame, get behind the ones on the left and take them out!" Kenji shouted.

"On it, boss!" Akame replied, speeding up until she was just a blur.

"Valian! Use it and make sure they can't move!"

"On it, Kenji!" Valian cried. "BALANCE BREAKER!" Valian was engulfed in a white light for about fifteen seconds, and when the light cleared, a set of white dragon armour was in Valian's place. Set within the armour were sapphire-blue gems, contrasting with the ivory colour of the armour, and Valian's Divine Dividing wings extended from her back.

[Balance Breaker, Divine Dividing!] Albion called. [Scale Mail!]

"You in there, Valian?" Kenji asked.

"Indeed." Valian replied. "Give me the order, and I'll reduce those Titans to snivelling moulds of flesh that can't muster up the strength to live!" Kenji was silent for a moment, before saying two words.

"Do it."

Valian smirked inside the armour, and flew at the speed of light towards the first Titan.

Grabbing onto the back of its head, Albion did his work from inside Valian.

[Divide, Divide, Divide, Divide, Divide!] After five calls, Valian let go, flying backward. The Titan, who had had all its strength sapped out of it and had insufficient energy to even stand up, fell to its knees.

Valian extended her hands, and two black orbs formed themselves in her hands. Kenji recognised this power.

This was the Primordial Power of Darkness, an ability that all born Devils (like him and Valian) had the ability to use. However, those who were descended from the Four Old Satans, like Valian, had a natural talent for this ability, as they were the first four Devils, and the progenitors of this ability. The other Devils had to work EXTREMELY hard to learn how to use this ability, and most resorted to just using their Clan powers.

Only one Devil who was not a descendent of the Four Old Satans was known to have learned how to utilise the Primordial Power of Darkness: Kenji's older brother, Sirzechs Lucifer.

Though those who knew the Four Old Satans all agreed that Sirzechs was nowhere near as talented with the PPoD as the Four Old Satans.

The original 72 Devils, who had joined the Four Old Satans in turning away from God and becoming the Devils whose descendants would make up the 72 Pillars, also held the Primordial Power of Darkness. Though it wasn't as 'primordial' as the Four Old Satans' power, so it could be just called the 'Power of Darkness'.

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