The chapter literally everybody skips.

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You're actually reading this!

The author's note, you're reading it!

Well hello there :)

This is the introducton to my first ever book on Wattpad, so just as a little warning to y'all:

Expect grammar and/or vocabulary mistakes (hopefully there aren't any), expect plotholes, cliches, cheesy/corny pickup lines and a bunch of other crazy stuff.

(but I mean, it is  Wattpad. What did you expect?)

I'm definitely no professional author and I'm mainly just writing for fun so please be nice in the comments. This book is a no-negativity zone, if you're comments are insulting I will mute you and remove your comments. Note here that I do really enjoy some good constructive critiscism, but please just be nice to me and your fellow readers when commenting.

So, if you don't like the book and just stay so you can diss me and my horrible writing, door's over there.

I will try my best to post new chapters every week but I don't make any promises as I'm still going to school and sometimes I won't have any time to write a new chapter. 

Now, let's get on with the book, shall we?

a Queen of ButterfliesWhere stories live. Discover now