Chapter 15: I join a piano quartet

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"Right", Thanatos begins his lesson, "I am supposed to give you all lessons about ancient literature but also help with the preparations for the meeting", he spits out the last word, "So I decided to cut today's lesson a little bit shorter than usual."

I look at the book that appears on my lap -  yes we don't sit at tables so it's on my lap - and read the title: 'The Odyssey'

Great, I don't like this book at all. In case you didn't know Homer likes to make his literature incredibly difficult to read, I mean, how am I supposed to know that Illium is actually Troy and that the 'man of many devices' is Odysseus? I let out a soft sigh.

"Since I can see that most of you aren't quite into reading the entire thing and since I also don't want to spend my time on that, I simplified the work just a tiny little bit", Thanatos grabs one of the papers he brought, clears his throat and begins, " This work is about a man who tries to come home from war, it takes a long time", he looks at all of us with a serious look on his face, "Right, that was it. All of you who can translate Ancient Greek, I want a proper translation of the first ten sentences by the time this dumb meeting is over. Class dismissed."

Matt lets out a low chuckle, "Glad the solstice hasn't affected his sense of drama one bit."

Cal chuckles in nearly the same way as Matt, "True, he is still very much his dramatic self."

We make our way back to the demigod den - somehow, everyone agreed on the name with me - and enter the living room. "Alrighty", Lucas drops a thick book on the dining table with a loud thump, "This is a dictionary", he pats the book he just threw on the table," Let's get started on that translation, shall we?"


One hour and three fortune cookies - That's not a superlative, moron. At this point you sound even dumber than you look. Your laugh is as awkward as people say - later we finally finished Thanatos' assignment and Lucas, Ada, Peter and I lean back in our chairs, satisfied with ourselves.

"I still don't know about-"

"Oh shush, Lucas", Ada interrupts, "I don't know if it's good but it'll definitely be good enough."

"You know what", Peter begins, leaving all of us to stare at him in surprise - he doesn't talk to anybody unless he has to, "Maybe you're not as bad as you seem."

We are struck with awe, coming from his mouth this a really nice compliment.

"You're not total dimwits after all."

OMG leave it to this man to ruin a vibe.

"Want to throw this guy in a pond?" Ada, feigning innocence, aks whilst pointing her finger at Peter.

"Are we throwing Peter in a pond?!" Matt calls out.

"Were you eavesdropping?" Lucas turns to face Matt, looking a bit like an owl in doing so.

"We're literally in the same room, it's almost hard no to. But about the-"

"Absolutely not", Peter seethes.

"Yikes, my man", Ada scrunches her nose at Peter, "It was a joke, fella. I should find you a nickname that truly embodies the fact that you are incapable of laughing."

Peter apparently deems it below himself to respond verbally so he just rolls his eyes and gets up from the table. looking at everyone but Ada he says, "I'm going to go to my room."

Lucas's lips curl up in what is unmistakably a small smile, revealing that he has dimples. 

"Perhaps 'grumpy-pants'? Oo... or maybe 'captain cranky'!" Ada muses.

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