Chapter 10: I think we're lost

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I turn around to face Ada"LITTLE Ross?! You're kidding right?"

'Little' Ross was a Newfoundland dog, a three-headed, garbage-truck sized Newfoundland dog.

"Have you never heard of Kerberos?" Ada answers, "Also, he isn't like house-sized. He's smaller than in some movies."

Kerberos clearly doesn't like being called little and he lets out a sad bark. Hades tries to comfort the giant dog by petting one of his heads. "Ada", he lectures, "You know he doesn't like the 'little' part."

When Ross hears Hades call him small he whines and he pushes his heads against Hades' chest with a force that makes the god stagger backwards, "Aw, don't worry bud, you're the tallest dog I've ever seen. Hollywood doesn't know what they're talking about."

The dog backs up but he still seems a bit sad.

"So this is the dog that's supposed to guard the gates of the Underworld?" I can't help but sound a bit skeptical.

"Nola!" Cal shouts, "That's so insensitive", he continues whilst covering the dog's ears. I personally don't think that's very effective because, you know, the demon-dog has six ears and the average human has only two arms but still, message delivered: even giant hellhounds have feelings.

"On top of that", Matt who just arrived begins, "He changes shape when he needs to actually defend something."

"Of course he does", I mutter.

Alex arrives at the clearing and just like Peter and Lucas looks very annoyed.

I inch closer towards Ada, "Why do they all look like someone just stuck a stick up their ass?"

"hah", Ada laughs, "They're just upset because we beat them last month, but they believe we cheated."

"Did you?" I question, "I mean, cheat?"

"Maybe a little."

"Oh my goodness Ada. Are they going to kill us for revenge now?"

"No", Ada assures, "we hardly do these teamed practices either way."

I swallow, the dog is making his way towards us. I tense as the dog sniffs Ada.

My legs start shaking, I want to run away. When I was little a chihuahua bit my arm and since then I don't want anything to do with dogs anymore, small or really big.

"Can you get him to leave?" My voice is squeezed with fear.

Ada looks at me, confused, "You afraid of dogs?"


"Oh sorry", she nudges the dog away from her, "I didn't know."

"Doesn't matter, trust me. He seems... like a nice dog."

but nice dogs still have sharp teeth and even barking dogs bite sometimes. 

Hades  whistles and Kerberos runs back to him. He pats Ross on one of his giant heads.

"He really likes that dog doesn't he?" I look at Ada.

"Oh most people love Ross. He is the most spoiled three-headed hellhound ever."

Also the only three-headed hellhound ever.

After a minute or two Giulia also arrives at the lake, "Sorry I'm late my lord I had to put Doughnut    back in his stable."

"Doughnut?" I ask Ada

"That's one of the horses here."

"No problem", Hades tells Giulia, "Let's get started with the practice now, shall we?"

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